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I stood next to Jamie as she showed me around her step dad's bar before it was time to open. It was a pretty big decent bar. To the far left it had booths for you to dine, there were four pool tables to the back and other games,  a jukebox, the men and ladies restroom. The bar was on the opposite side of the booths and through the bar door was the kitchen then the back door.

"Ok so you got it?  ...If you need to ask questions don't be afraid..you can ask me or Racquel the supervisor" She looked over at Racquel who gave me a smile and a small wave. I nooded and smiled back at her. Jamie is the manager but she also works the bar. She had six bartenders including myself, one chef, two kitchen staff and three waitresses.

"Yea I think I got it " I replied following her behind the counter. 

"Ok ima open now"  She walked over to the door and turned the sign around so that it read 'open ' from the outside.

A man came in from the back where the kitchen was located and kissed Jamieon the back of her head. She turned around smiled at him.

"Hey Efrain" Jamie said to him, he looked over at me and smiled.

"I see you got a new employee " He said to her, now they both were staring at me making me uncomfortable.

"Yea that's Asia.. Asia meet my step dad Efrain  ..he stops by often to see how his bar is doing" she introduced us as he extended his hand for a shake.

"Welcome Asia..I hope you enjoy working here.. I know you'll make alot of tips with that gorgeous face of yours" he said as I blushed releasing my hand from his.

"Hey gorgeous.. can I get a corona!" A manly voiced called out to me. I turned around and noticed the bar was piling up with people, that just came out of nowhere and quick too.  I reached in the fridge and got him a corona opened it and slid it across to the table to him. The music blasted as I struggled to protrude my voice.

"Anything esle!" I yelled at him. He shooked his head and  handed me a ten dollar bill.

"Keep the change gorgeous !"  He winked at me then walked away.  I smiled hard because that was a big ass tip he left me with.  Jamie and Efrain wasn't lying at all when they said I'll make alot in tips. I shoved the bill in my shorts and continued working. Yea my uniform was a jeans shorts and a tight baseball button up shirt that showed my cleveage.

The bar was filled in no time and it was only 10:30 which meant I had three hours and a half here until it was time to go home. I got tips from men and women who both were trying to hit on me. I made a few mistakes with orders of people who were by the bar in large groups and I broke a few glasses but later on as the night progressed I gained confidence and got the orders right. A fight even broke out but the guys were soon thrown out my security. Shit was crazy in here nothing like I've ever seen before.

I looked over at Jamie and saw her talking and laughing  to some female dressed like a guy with tattoos all over her arms and neck who was standing next to a guy and another female. The two females looked like straight up dudes if it was for the long hair and their breast protruding through their shirts I would've thought they were really cute men. Then they all looked over in my direction as Jamie signaled me over.  I told the other bartender Makeda to cover me for a minute before I walked over to Jamie. I stood next to her and the female with the long curly hair stared at me, slowly licking her full lips as a smile crept upon her face. Her smile could make anybody melt and  I don't know what the fuck happened but that made me feel some type of way but in a good way and I blushed.

"Asia meet my cousin Caprice....Cap meet my friend and roomie Asia" Jamie introduced us.  God damn!  That's her cousin? Now don't get me wrong I'm straight but Jamie's cousin can make you second guess your sexual orientation.  The girl was gorgeous and sexy.



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