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"I swear y'all mofos dirty as fuck! I can't even walk around my fucking house without stepping on a used condom...throw up or spilled alcohol!  Everybody get the fuck out now! " I yelled as I walked into the kitchen.

"You heard her...get out!  Roland get someone to clean this shit up" I heard Kei say to one of the body guards as she made her way into the kitchen. She stood by the table and stared at me.

"What!? " I yelled as I lit up and exhaled smoke in the air.

"She still hasn't responded to your text or calls huh? " she asked and I shook my head.

"I don't know why she trying to deny her feelings towards me...yea she got a man but we both know that kiss we shared proved that she feels something for me" I said passing my blunt to Kei.

"Yea but this shit is all new to her Cap...she's just realizing she may possibly like women....she don't know how to handle those feelings just yet...come on.. you knew how it was when you first realised it" she looked at me as she exhaled the smoke.

"Lol hell yeah...I was scared shitless especially to tell mi familia" I laughed remembering when I first told them. My mom said she kind of knew by the way I dressed and acted and well my dad didn't really give a fuck. 

" chill the fuck out...don't come on to her to strong...just be a friend right now"  she handed me back the blunt and I nodded.

"Ight Ima go check Melissa ...I need that good good lol" she laughed as she  walked up to me and dapped me before leaving  out the kitchen. I opened a bottle of moscato and poured some in a glass, I walked into the movie room and sat infront of my Samsung 110-inch HDTV. I was in the mood to watch Kevin Hart so I put The Wedding Ringer in the player.  Fifteen minutes into the movie my phone vibrated so I looked at it and frowned when I saw it was a text from one of my dealers.

Can I call it a night?  My moms sick and I need to go see her.

Is everything off your hands? 

No ..but I can bring you what I have left.


I sighed and put my phone in my pocket and continued  watching the movie but I really wasn't paying attention to it because my mind was on Asia.  It pissed me off that she won't return my texts or calls. After yesterday's episode she was all I could think of.  I just wanted to hear her voice or at least read a text from her.  I didn't know where all this was coming from because I never felt this way before.  These feelings I'm getting is new to me and I quite don't know how to handle it.  I would go over to her apartment and demand that she talk to me but that'll only scare her off knowing that we're not even together and I'm acting a fool. So all I can do is chill the fuck out and wait. A loud  knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Entrar! " I yelled above the loud noise from the tv.

"Boss ...Shawn's here to see you" one of my body guards said when he entered the room, I nodded and he let him in closing the door behind him. I held my hand out as Shawn stood infront of me. I looked at the bag and noticed it still had alot that he could've sold. I looked at him and raised my brow. 

"That's it?  You been on the streets since 2 P.m. it's now 1 a.m. and this she what the fuck you bring me? " I looked at him then threw the substances on the couch next to me.

"It was a slow day boss...I tried my best"

"Shut the fuck up... I don't wanna hear that much money you made?"
He took the money out his pockets and attempted to count it. I sighed and snatched the money out his hands.

"How many times do I have to say check your money before you come to me huh? " I waited for his response but answered my own question before he did.

"To many fucking times!  Now get the fuck out my face before I shoot you in your big toe"  I cursed under my breath in spanish as I counted the money.

"Um boss... I don't have any money to help my mom ..can I get a little bit just for tonight? "  he nervously asked standing by the door.  I sighed and raised the stash he gave me above my head.  He walked over to me and took it.

"Thanks boss"

"You're off until I need you again" I said as he looked at me.

"But boss-"

"Adios Shawn " I waved him off as I continued to watch the movie which was half way through already.

"Bitchface! " I rolled my eyes as Joz yelled and sat next to me taking some of my candy.

"What the hell you want? "

"I missed you today" he replied eating some gummie worms.

"N!gga what you talking bout? You was with me all morning shooting hoops lol" I laughed.

"Ohh I forgot"  he laughed too.  I looked at the kid and shook my head.

"Anyways.. I heard you was being a bitch because Asia won't talk to you whipped already and all y'all did was kiss lol ...her lips must probably be reall good" Joz joked.

"Shut the fuck up manee... I'm not whipped I'm just really interested in getting to know her... Is that so wrong? " I asked looking at him.

"Nope but don't fall to hard manee..heart breaks isn't " he said as he stood up.

"Don't worry bout me bruh"...I put on my best George Lopez accent " I got thissss " I said as I slapped my chest.  Joz laughed and shook is head.

"Lol ight George... I'm out tho..see you in the morning " he dapped me then left the room. I decided since I missed most of the movie I'll just take it off and go to bed since I have nothing else to do because I ran everybody out the house. Kei was out being nasty and Joz I don't know what that n!gga up to so I'll just take me ass to bed.

Chapter Seventeen coming soon!!

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