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I'm chilling playing NBA 2k with two of my body guards Jimmy and Michael on my ps 4 when I got a phone call from Joz. I put the phone on speaker as I answered the call still focused on the game.

"What n!gga!? This shit better be good since you interrupting my game!" I yelled into the phone.

"Cap we got a problem... I got Nicholas here at the old house and he don't have your money bruh..he said he got robbed by 2 teenage boys" Joz replied.

I paused the game hearing groans from the others.

"Esta bien... I'm on my way" I stood up and looked at Jimmy and Michael.

"Don't none of you fuckers continue the game without me " they sighed and I laughed as I walked off.

I hopped in my red and black ferrari as I sped off to the old house to meet up with Joz and Kei. Nicholas was one of my dealers. I gave him some substances to sell five days ago but I haven't seen him since then. So of course, I sent my crew to find him becuase he owes me money. When I distribute to my dealers I give them two days tops to sell my goods and hand in the cash and from the money you hand in which should rank in the thousands because my father's shit was expensive, we give them 10 percent of what they'll hand in.

I pulled up outside the old house off a dirt road and parked my car. I walked into the house and down the steps of the basement. I looked over at Kei and Joz giving them a head nod then at a bloody face Nicholas who was tied to a chair. It's obvious that he got slapped around and god knows what else. I smirked at him and took off my jacket and handed Kei my gun. I pulled a chair up infront of the crying guy and sat infront of him.

"So you decide to steal from me huh? " I calmly asked him. He shooked his head continuously.

"So where's my money? " My smirk turned into a frown, waiting to see if he'll tell the truth.

"I-i was robbed boss" His voice was shaky when he answered.

"Of how much? "

"Forty thousand" He slowly whispered. I laughed out loud and looked at Kei and Joz.

"This n!gga lost forty thousand by teenagers lol....didn't you say they were 2 teenage boys Joz? " I asked already knowing the answer, Joz nodded.

"So you're telling me you couldn't fight off or shot them boys? " I asked looking back at Nicholas, he didn't respond.

"What kind of pussy ass I got working for me lol're a fucking Broma! " I yelled at him as I stood up and picked up an axe that was leaning against the wall. He started screaming and moving around in his chair wildly. Kei quickly covered his mouth with the scarf.

"Since you're useless to me now and you don't need your fingers to count my money Ima just take them away" I said walking up to him. He shook the chair hard back and forth trying to get loose.

"Hold onto to his fucking hand..better yet you do it Joz...this shit I got on is Versace ..I don't want blood on it" I raised my hand to hand Joz the axe.

"N!gga I got on a designer shirt too" he watched me as I still held the axe in my hand.

"Lol your cheap ass shops at the thrift store...don't play me" I joked and felt Kei grabbed the axe out of my hand and in one swift motion chopped off Nicholas fingers from his right hand. Joz and I jumped back as blood squirted everywhere.

"The fuck Kei " We both said in unison.

"We supposed to be handling business here and y'all talking bout y'all funky ass shirts" She said handing me back the axe as Nicholas screamed from pain.

"Well damn you waste no time huh? " Joz asked her as she shook her head. I took the bloody axe from her and rested it to the side.

"Ouch..that hurt didn't it?" I stepped in Nicholas face as I asked him, blood dripping from his hand. He mumbled some words through the scarf, I removed it so he could hear him clearly.

"Fuck you! " He spat in my face. I smacked him hard with the back of my hand across the face.

"See and I was gonna let your bitch ass done fucked it up" I grabbed my gun from Kei. I stood back, aimed at him and fired shots all over his body until there we no ammo left.

"Nah cono... Vete a la mierda! " I yelled at his now dead body. Turned around, grabbed my jacket and put it back on as I put my gun back into my waistband.

"You know I hate when you talk that spanish shit right... wtf you said to him? " Joz complained as him and a laughing Kei walked up the stairs behind me. I sighed.

"You're so know me long enough to pick up some spanish manee " I said as we walked out the house.

"Yea I know but I'm slow when it comes to other languages "

"Lol dude you slow in general" Kei chimed.

"Ha Ha... shut your melon head ass up" Joz replied as Kei flipped him off.

"I told him 'Nah.. Pussy..Fuck you'" I told Joz before I got in my car.

"Oooo.. that's hot" He mockingly said like Paris Hilton. I laughed and shook my head at the foul as I start my car.

"Yoo follow me to my uncle's bar.. I need a drink " I told them before they got in there car.

"You buying us drinks? " Joz asked with his head out his car, you can swear I don't pay his cheap ass enough.

"Yes cheap fucker... I'll buy you drinks"

"Yess!!! I'll race you there! " He said as he sped off. I laughed and sped off behind him with Kei following close behind. I fucking love my friends.



MY LIFEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora