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Asia woke up before I did and left because she had an eight o' clock class this morning. I wiped my eyes, got out of bed and threw on a tshirt over my sports bra then went downstairs.

"Morning" Joz said to me as he poured himself some cereal.

"Morning..where's the dude from last night? " I asked pouring myself a hot cup of coffee.

"In the basement " Kei interrupted walking into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Bueno " I said holding my cup of coffee leaving the kitchen in the direction of the basement. I walked down the stairs and saw him tied to a chair asleep. I picked up a bucket and filled it with cold water before I threw it on his face. He woke up instantly and started gasping for air. I pulled a chair in front of him and sat, Kei and Joz came down soon after and stood behind me eating their breakfast.

"Buenos dias amigo " I said while sipping my coffee slowly trying not to burn my tongue.

"Please boss don't hurt me.. I'm sorry..I really didn't know she was your girl" He pleaded while looking at me with pity.

"Even if she wasn't my girl..she told you to let her go...did you? didn't and that's where you fucked up" I calmly said then leaned forward, pulling his pants and boxers as I poured the hot coffee on his d!ck. He screamed out and I punched him hard in the mouth.

"I'm not in the mood this morning to kill you immediately so here's what I will do" I got up and turned to Joz and Kei.

"Put his ass in the freezer until further notice and if he happens to freeze to death then oh well" I shrugged and walked up the stairs leaving Kei and Joz to take care of it.

The day went by pretty fast, I chilled in the house, smoke weed and play video games. I wanted to call Asia and talk to her for hours but I knew she was busy at school and now she was at work, I think I might just swing by later and see her. Even though we've only been together for six months, she meant everything to me and I'll do anything and everything for her.

"I'm open! I'm open! " I yelled to Marlon one of my body guards as I raised my hand in the air signaling him to pass me the ball but instead he tried to shoot and missed the ring, I called a time out.

"Yoo didn't you hear me say I'm fucking open!? " I shouted in his face, I was pissed as fuck because we were down by ten points. We were playing ball at my house, I'm very competitive especially when it came to basketball.

"Sorry boss... I thought I could've made it "

"Sit your ass down since you don't know what the fuck team work is" I told him pointing to the bench.

"Shawn you're in! " I yelled to Shawn who was standing on the sideline talking to some hoe.

"But boss I can't ball " He said walking over to me.

"I don't give a fuck... I need a player...when I raise my hand you pass me the ball" I slapped his ass then ran back to the middle of court. We played for another thirty minutes, my team lost by four points.

"Y'all n!ggas can't play to save y'all fucking lives" I said walking into the house.

"Aww don't be a sore'll beat us next time...maybe" Kei said then laughed as she rested her hand on my shoulder, I slapped it off and glared at her.

"Y'all only won this time because y'all had good players " I walked off into my office and slammed the door. I wanted to call Asia but she was at work so I leaned back in my big leather chair and rested my foot on the desk as I rolled up. There was a knock at the door and I groaned as I exhaled some into the air.

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