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I woke up and looked at the time that read 9:15 a.m. I groaned as I rolled over to my side knowing I have to get ready for my eleven o'clock class. I got out my bed and opened my bedroom door to the scent of pancakes. I smiled as I inhaled deeply and walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning sleepy head... I was in a good mood this morning so I made us breakfast " Jamie said while flipping some pancakes.

"Good morning ..well you should be in a good mood every morning then lol"  I walked over to the coffe pot, grabbed a tea cup and poured some coffee in it before I sat on the kitchen stool.

"Lol yea you wish...what time is your first class today ?" she asked as she put a pancake on the plate infront of me.

"Eleven" I poured syrup and started eating.

"Oh ok and your class tomorrow is for eight right?  So that mean you won't be working tonight" She asked and I nodded.

I finished eating then went to get ready for school. I left the apartment, the cold winter air hitting my face causing me to pull my jacket tighter. I walked down the stairs of the train station and made it just in time to hop on the train. I actually like taking the train,  yea there are some weirdos that ride the train and it can be creepy but it doesn't bother me at all.

I entered the school building and walked into my class. My mind wandered to my parents and how I should tell them the truth soon then to Terrance who I still haven't talked to since I left Miami which made me reevaluate our relationship. What in the hell can be so busy that he can't call or even text his woman to see if she's still breathing, I sighed loudly. I snapped out my thoughts when I heard the shuffling of chairs and tables and people stood to exit the class.  I hope the lecturer didn't mention anything to important because my thoughts made me miss a whole period.

The rest of the evening went by fast and it was now time for my dance class.  I waved at a smiling Belle as I walked over to her.

"Hey pretty lady" She said. I smiled and sat besides her.

"How has your day been? " She asked while stretching.

"It's been blahhhh.. I'm aggy that my boyfriend hasn't called or texted me in three days"

"Oh you have a boyfriend? Is he from here? "  she looked at me with an expression I couldn't explain.

"Yes I do and no he lives in Miami " I answered with a sigh.

"He's probably really busy or something" She tried to convince me but I wasn't convinced.

"Hey me and a few of my friends are going clubbing should come and bring a friend if you like "  She said trying to cheer me up.

"I might have to work but I'll let you know"

"Great here's my number just incase you wanna come or just talk about whatever" She smirked at me as she wrote her number on a piece of paper and handed it to me. Is she flirting with me? Nahhh I doubt she's into girls. I shrugged the feeling off,  took the paper and shoved it in my bag pocket. Mrs. Harper started class soon after.

Belle dropped me home yet again even though I kept telling her it's okay for me to travel she won't let me. I waved her bye before I entered the apartment. Jamie wasn't home she probably was over at her boyfriend's getting freaky. I always wondered what sex felt like. Being a nineteen year old virgin was rare, no I'm not waiting until marriage, I just want to make sure I lose it to the right man. I don't want any regrets.

I set my bag on the kitchen table. As I'm about to open the fridge to get something to munch on i heard a loud knock at the door.Who the hell could that be? 

I set the box of strawberries down, walked over to the door and answered it.  My heart almost fell out my chest when I saw who it was.

"So we just gonna stand here or you gonna let me in before I freeze my ass off?" 


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