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"Asia Asia Asia "  Jamie shook her head as she looked at me. I already knew what she was going to ask.

"Why was she here and what did y'all do?" She asked squinting her eyes at me. I looked everywhere expect at her and shrugged before  I walked down the hall and into my room closing the door behind me.  She flung it open scaring the shit out of me.

"Nah uh missy...spill the beans" she said leaning against my dresser with her arms crossed. I inhaled deeply then spoke.

"She came to see me" I briefly said.

"Well duh I could see that but why smart ass? "

"Because she said she couldn't stop thinking about me" I shrugged and looked down at the floor. Jamie walked over and sat next time me on my bed.

"Look... I know you're probably vulnerable and missing Terrance right now but don't fall into Cap's little trap"

"I'm not gay Jamie" I said trying to convince myself that I didn't feel anything for Cap and I didn't feel anything about that amazing kiss we shared.

"I know but cap would certainly have you second guessing your sexual orientation...Asia you do know it's ok if you are right?  I'm not going to judge you" Jamie rested her hand on my knee. What if I am gay?  How do I tell my family that when I haven't even told them I'm not in Miami persuing a degree in Business?  Ughh ..fuck my life.

"But I'm not though so you don't have to worry about me and Cap " I stood up and looked at her.

"I'm going to take a shower now...excuse me"  I walked out my room and into the bedroom closing the door behind me. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, I sat on the toilet seat and cried.  When I thought everything was going good, me being in juilliard actually doing something I wanted to that made me happy, I was also a cheat and a liar.  I've been lying to my parents about where I've been and what I'm doing and I cheated on Terrance with a female who I feel some type of way about.  I actually kissed her back and enjoyed the kiss.  What the fuck was wrong with me?  What was happening to me, I was so confused.

After I bawled my eyes out, I took a long warm shower.  I opened the bathroom door and Jamie fell into me giving me a warm hug.  I didn't push her off I just embraced it and hugged her back becuase I needed that. 

"Everything will be okay...I'm sorry and I'm here for you" she whispered. It was like she read my mind,  I hugged her tight. She pulled away and kissed my forehead  before she left towards her room. That hug mad me feel a little better.  I heard my phone vibrate on the bed and looked at the screen and saw four miss calls from my mom, six from my dad and a text from my sister. My eyes grew big when I read it.


Boy is you in troubleee.  Mom and dad took a trip to surprise you and found out you haven't been to school in four months lol smh. Btw your room makes a good walk in closet... Bye bitch!!  Muahhh!!! 

I felt like I couldn't breathe as I held my chest. I fell to the floor and tried to control my breathing but nothing was working.

"Asia are you ok?  I heard a loud noise... OMG!"  Jamie ran out the room then came back a short while after and handed be a paper bag and told me to take deep breaths into it. I did as instructed, my breathing slowed down as I inhaled deeply and exhaled into the bag.

"Just relaxx...ok so what's wrong? " she asked while rubbing my back. I handed her my phone and she read the text.

"Oh no" she said softly. I felt the warm tears rolled down my face, she turned to me and wiped them away.

" have to call them and tell them..don't wait anymore... I'm here for you" She handed me back the phone, I shook my head and she nodded. I put the bag down and dialed the house number praying that no one was home.

"McKenzie residence" My mom voice spoke into the phone. I remained silent, it was like I couldn't speak.  I would open my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Jamie pinched my arm which caused me to scream out.

"Ouch!  Why you do that? " I asked her with the phone still to my ear.

"Asia? " My eyes widened when I heard her say my name. I swallowed hard and answered.

"Yes.. it's me" I slowly replied.

"Omg we've been worried sick about you...when we came to visit you they told us you haven't been there in four months ...Thomas it's Asia! " Mom yelled.

"Asia where have you been? " my dad asked. I didn't know where to start so I just blurted it all out.

"I'm in New York living my dream... I enrolled in juilliard I'm persuing dance... I don't want to be a business woman dad...that's your dream..mine is to become a professional dancer and travel the world " I waited for his response but mom answered instead.

"Your father is very disappointed in you Asia how could you do that? "

"Mom I d-" 

"No you don't get to made us worry thinking something bad happened to you and you're in New York persuing a hobbie? "  I looked at the phone like wow, my mom who was a dancer when she was younger who got to travel to Japan to perform is saying this to me, I was livid.

"Wow really?  You of all people I thought would understand. Being a boring business woman isn't my dream that's dads, I'm not gonna live my life pleasing him or you for the rest of it so y'all can be mad at me but at the end of the day Ima do what I want and love to do... how bout y'all try supporting me for once and not being selfish tryin to live y'all lives through me! " I hung up and threw my phone on the bed.

"Well said... at least they know the truth now" Jamie hugged me as she continued to rub my back. I laid my head on her shoulder and cried even harder.

"Yea but now they hate me"

"They don't hate you Asia...just give them some time..they'll come around " she assured me and  I nodded.

"Look get some rest has been alot for you to handle " she stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me up with her.

"Change into your clothes and go to sleep... I'm going to get ready for me if you need me" she said before she left me room.  I changed into my pjs and laid on my bed, I couldn't help but let my mind wander, a part of me was happy my parents knew the truth but the other part couldn't help but feel like they hated me now. My thoughts were interrupted by the vibration of my phone letting me know I received a text.  I slide the screen open and a small smile crept on my face when I read it was from Cap.


Hi,  I hope I'm not bothering you... I just wanted you to know I had fun kicking it with you and you suck at kissing...jk ..I hope I get to taste your sweet lips again... Gnite Maravilloso.. It means gorgeous lol

I'm not going to lie reading this brought a smile to my face but what happened  today couldn't happen again and I needed her to know that becuase I'm not a cheater and I'm not a lesbian. I sighed and texted her back.

You're a good kisser too but it can't happen again, I have a man Cap and I'm not a lesbian or a cheater..what happened between us shouldn't have. I'm sorry.

I know you have a man Asia you made that clear many times and I'll respect that but you can't hide the fact that you feel some type of way for me. 

She was right I do feel some type of way about her and it scares me. I didn't know how to respond so I just responded with a goodnight, turned off my phone and went to sleep.

Chapter sixteen coming soon!!!!

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