
600 19 12

So no, no mic today. Its almost school, and I'm in a rush.


Anyways, who would've thought I'd EVER have 1.02k reads?

I'm really


I just can't get over it.

Tee hee.


-Everthorne Athe Zaea Posite



So that's how I met Sam.

Little Red references and fake ladies.

*End Recap*

I woke up in a white room.

Infirmary again? I thought.

I just can't get enough can I?

Lol nope.

I look to my side, and see Ginger, lightly snoring.

Awwwwwwww. He is so cute!

WAIT! NO! I'm mad at him,


I rub my eyes, with my one hand, the other one grasped tightly by Ginger.

Oh Ginger. If only you knew.

I can't do this.

This is NOT allowed.

I know I break rules, but there's only one I'd never break.

Dating a Gryffindor.

I slowly took out my hand, checked out with Madam Pomfrey, and walked out the door, bumping into a blonde boy.

No, it wasn't Draco or Scorpius.

He was a Slytherin, by the color of his tie, and was holding a rose.

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