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Hi! I'm Everthorne McLean.

A really boring girl.

I'm not quite sure why I'm talking to myself, but oh well.

I hear Piper shrieking playfully downstairs as my other sister, Everlark, tickles her.

Don't ask about Everlark and I's names.

I certainly have NO idea why mother chose them.

I flicked my fingers, and some fruit flew into my hand. 

Surprise! I'm magical.

Mostly, I keep my magic a secret, so that nobody thinks I'm a freak. Even I think I'm a freak! I mean, magic doesn't even exist! 

Though, to be honest, I bet people think I'm a freak anyways.

Oh well. I think again.

I trudge downstairs and flop onto an armchair. Then, Piper walks in.

"Why so sad?" She asks.

"Honestly, I have no idea." I lie.

It's hard to lie to my sisters, but it's for their good, considering I don't want them to know that I'm the freak in the family more than anyone else does.

Tomorrow is December 24th, my birthday. Which isn't very cool. On a typical birthday, mother forgets my present, (my entire birthday, even) and, curses to me, I have a baby face. Which makes me look about 8.


I sigh. Getting down four stories is gonna take a while. But I pause at the door when I see three letters with mine, Piper's, and Everlark's name on them.

Hey guys! Its Everthorne, and that picture on the side is a picture of Everthone (not actually what I look like) So, this is the start of my story, I hope you like it and, byeeeeeee!!!!!

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