Chapter 26

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Not wanting to look up and see who I think that voice belongs to I take my sweet time standing up beside the still sitting Dominic who is very confusedly looking at the stranger. Looking up at the person I can now see that my guesses were right and I know exactly who this person is. Awkward is one of the main and best words to describe this situation right now. "Mr.Jones, nice to see you" I say awkwardly. "Yeah, and who is this man Rosemary?" he asks me sternly. In lightning speed Dominic is standing beside me with his arms around my waists. "Oh he's just a friend" I say smiling while I shake out of Dominic strong grasp. Hearing a low growl beside me I know Dominic is less than happy that I just brushed him off as a friend to Mr.Jones.

"Dominic just chill please this is important I will fill you in a minute" I tell him quickly through our mink link before I change the subject hoping that Mr.Jones didn't hear Dominic growl. "So why are you here? Mia usually takes the bus home doesn't she? "I ask. Feeling something move closer to me I can see that Dominic has a mischievously look in his eyes and he starts to rub patterns on my back slowly getting lower and lower. "Yes, usually but I thought I would surprise her" he replies. "Oh that's nice of you" I try to say but don't know how much of it was really audible with Dominic's dirty mind talking to me through our link and his hand doing unmentionable things.

"You know Rose I don't think your mother would approve" Mr. Jones says now clearly noticing Dominic's hand and how close he is to me. "You know my mom?" I ask now completely paying attentions despite what Dominic is doing. "No I was taking in general" he says defensively even though I can see something in his eyes that say a differently which gets me really worked up.

Wanting to leave so me and Dominic can be together for a little bit before I have to go back home I give Mr.Jones a piece of my mind. "Well I don't think is any of your business. You're not my dad. I already have a perfectly not caring and annoying step dad at home and I can have sex or hook up with whoever I want to" I say to him before pulling a pre-occupied Dominic behind me. "s-"Dominic tries to say but I put up a finger and keep pulling him behind me. "He can still hear us." I whisper and continue to march along. When we walk a little further I feel like we are at a good enough distance that we are out of hearing range I sit on a log and roughly pull Dominic beside me. He clearly knows that he can now talk because he starts to ask me questions "So who is he? How do you know him? You haven't been cheating on me have you?"

"Cheating on you Dom are you serious he's as old as my mother" I say laughing at him. Clearly not getting the joke he growls and pulls me onto his lap facing him. "Stupid possessive alpha males" I mumble. "What?" he asks with a smirk. "Nothing" I grumble as a smile covers his face. "So who is he again" he asks impatiently. "Mia's dad. You remember me telling you about her? The girl I meet in the library who was researching white wolves for her dad." I tell him as I start to play with his hair by his neck. "Right. You could have told me that before" he says grumpily. "Well I didn't feel like it" I reply as I stick my tough out at him. "Rozia, you better put your tongue back in your mouth before you give me any ideas" Dominic sexily replies. Quickly I put my tongue back in my mouth and laugh. "Maybe I want to know what those ideas are" I whisper in his ear. Before he can respond I get off his lap in lightning pace and start running away from him. "Come get me" I tease him through our minds before he has proceeded what I did and came after me.

For the next hour or so we played chase and fooled around in the forest. It was really fun until I got a call from Aaron. "Oh shit, you make me totally lose track of time" I tell Dominic rushed. "Don't blame me on this Rozia it was more your fault then mine" he says crossing his arms and giving me a stern look. "You should answer that" he continues nodding at my ringing phone in my hand. Sighing I answer it but I don't even have time to respond before Aaron goes all dip shit on me. "ROSE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU. You said you would be home in forty five minutes" pulling the phone away from my ear well he yells into the phone I groan. "Well Technically I didn't-" I try to tell him but he interrupts me "Technically my ass gets yours over here right now" Aaron tells me very angrily before haunting up on me. "Well nice to talk to you to" I tell my phone looking down at it. "Sorry Dom I gotta go but I will text you or something" I continue looking up at a disappointed Dominic.

Taking a step forward I give Dominic what is meant to be a peck on the lips but right as I'm about to take a step back he pulls me closer and Deeping the kiss in my surprise. Not being able to help myself I open my mouth and let our tongues battle each other for dominance until Dominic wins. "Okay I really got to go I'm already supper late" I say as I pull back. He gets a really weird look on his face that I can't tell if he's trying to find a way to get me to stay or he is trying to mind link someone. "Okay but why don't I just shift and give you a ride" he asks me. "Really? Sweet I've wanting to see your wolf" I excitingly tell him.

You would think that most werewolves' would go behind a tree and shift but no Dominic doesn't even give a second thought when he starts to strip right in front of my eyes. "Dominic" I whine "Go behind a tree" I continue. "But this is so much more entertaining" he tells me looking up as he takes off his jeans. "I haven't even seen you naked before" I tell him with pleading eyes. "Well then it's your lucky day and we will have to change that" he replies seductively. Next thing I know Dominic is standing there completely naked taking his sweet time folding his clothes so I can carry them. "Come on Dom I got to go and your killing me here" I tell him bouncing on my feet. Smirking at me he changes into his sandy color wolf. "Oh my gosh Dom your beautiful" I say and he growls at me "I mean handsome" I retry rolling my eyes. He takes the two steps forward and nuzzles into me before lying down, motioning me to get on his back. Dominic's wolf is very tall; he is easily taller than me when I'm standing. His wolf is a beautiful sandy gold color that you will only see on the Royal family. Getting up Dominic pushes off the ground and launches into a very fast run that got us to my house in less than a minute. I had to hold on to his fur for dear life so I didn't fall off. When were in the backyard of my house I swing my legs over him and hoped off. "Bye Dom I will contact you soon" I tell him before kissing his nose and running off into the house. Now all I have to do is face the family. Maybe I can sneak in? I am in the backyard so I can go through the back door and maybe make my way upstairs without being seen.

Opening the door I pee inside and it looks clear so I step in and start to make my way out of the kitchen when a male voice asks speaks "who was that?" the voice says and I cringe. Damit, I always think I can get into my room unnoticed but apparently people are always watching you like a hawk when you live here. Turning I look to the kitchen counter I see Justin sitting on the counter. The only way I know its Justin not peter is the freckle on his forehead. "Just a fuck buddy" I casually say before walking in to the living room that will be my death trap.

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