Chapter 16

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“Do you think we will get in trouble for sitting with Mia today at lunch? You know everyone in the cafeteria saw us sitting there” sapphire tells me as we walk home from school that day.

“To be really honest saph. I frankly don’t care” I said

“Well I know you don’t but what can we do. We have to follow the rules”

“No! we don’t!” I say starting to get angry. Sapphire is scared that she with be in trouble with her family, especially from her father. I know it and she knows I know it. “Do you know what would happen if we follow the rules? We will have no freedom, marrying who they want us to, having however many children they want us to, and having no life!” I almost yelled at sapphire before I stopped off. Sapphire can walk the rest of the way home by herself. I am sick of her thinking we have to follow the rules. If she ever comes to her senses this could be easier. Walking home today is pretty quiet. Their seems to be no other teenagers then me and sapphire which is unusual because usually the path that take us from school through the forest to home is full of teenagers from our pack and some of the neighboring packs.

“ROSE!” I hear sapphire yell. Thinking she is right behind me I whip my head around to see no one there. I start to run as fast as I can towards where I last left sapphire. All I can see is green and brown blurs beside me as I run towards her. That was more of a scream for me then a yell. Sapphire sounded like there was something wrong but she was not panicked. When I emerge to where sapphire is I go beside her facing the group of six men.

 I could tell from their smell that they were all rouges; the types of rouges that don’t shift very much. They were all wearing dark jeans and t-shirts except for the man who was a little if front of the others. The leader had a white shirt with a leather jacket that was not done up. All of them had smirks on their faces, thinking they could probably take advantage of us or something. I quickly glance at sapphire and give her a knowing glance that she returns. We will play that card if they want us two.

“What are two girls like you doing here with no one around?” the blonde haired leader says.

“We were just going home from school” sapphire replies innocently. The leader turns to the rest of the group and motions a finger towards us; just like that they all shift in to their pure black wolfs shredding their clothes.  Sapphire quickly strips off her dress and shifts into her red wolf.

The leader who is the only one other than me who hasn’t shifted crouches low, staring, waiting for me to run or move but I just smirked and got into a defensive position. He shakes his head and says “foolish girl” before launched himself at me, a clawed paw going to my throat. I twisted around sharply, rolling myself back to my feet, snarling at my opponent. One of the other wolfs growled loudly, a fighting spark flaming in his dark red eyes. Looking through the corner of my eye I can see the other wolf attacking sapphire. But she dodges his attack and quickly pins him down.

 Looking back to the leaders black wolf he lunches towards me with his claws attacking the flesh and muscle on my flank and gleaming teeth closed over my throat. The more vicious side of me kicked in and I flipped him over, sinking my teeth into one of his ears. I felt the ridges crack under my teeth. He yelped and retaliated by grabbing one of my legs in his jaw. We rolled and scrabbled on the forest ground, breaking fallen branches in the struggle. I flipped him onto his back, a foot pressed against his belly. He reached up and tried to grab my collar in his jaws but failed. I growled loudly forcing him to submit to me. After I pinned him the other four men charge at me and sapphire but we take them out easily.

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