Chapter 21

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Present time

That was the last time I talked to mom about Uncle Cody, Aunt Riley, or even dad. That is why I don’t want a mate. I’ve tried to keep my distance from sapphire, to keep the bond from getting stronger but it can be difficult when we live in the same house and go to the same school. I don’t mean to hurt her, I just think she will be better off without me. I will be the beta of this pack and I know that I will have to fight Rouges and maybe in one of those fights I won’t come back. No one should have to go through what my Aunt did, so before something happens I am stopping it. Getting up from the grass I run the five minutes back to my clothes. Slipping on my jeans I realize that I ripped my shirt when I shifted, so I guess I will be going shirtless into the house.

“Can you come to my room please I want to talk to you” Rose asks me nicely through pack link.

“I guess” I say back before cutting the link off. She probable just wants to finish our talk. I think as I head back to the pack house.


“Come on saph stay still” I say as I try to finish sapphires makeup. “I still don’t know why you want to get me all pretty. It’s not like anything will happen” she replies annoyed. Right when I got upstairs from talking with the boys got Sapphire from downstairs and dragged her to my vanity to make her look extra pretty.

 “Nothing is supposed to happen. Its only part one of payback” I say determinedly. “Okay all done” I continue proudly as I look over sapphire.  She has on a light jean jacket with a high wasted skirt that is a light eggplant color and a crop top that’s has a floral pattern.  I also did some really pretty make up and I curled her hair and put half of it up. I don’t know if I could have done any better. “You look beautiful” I say proudly. “I guess” she mumbles

“Okay, I will leave you here and go call Tyson to meet me in my room” I say emphasizing the word me because sapphire is going to be in my room instead of me.   


Sitting on my bed reading the fault in our stars someone lightly knocks on the door. Taking a deep breath I answer “come in” the door slowly opens and a confused Tyson comes in. he has no shirt on, and man does that boy have abs. checking him over our eyes finally meet and we both realize that we were both checking each other out. Tyson breaks the awkwardness and asks “I thought Rose wanted to talk to me?”

“Yeah she’s just in the bathroom. You can sit and wait if you want she will be back any second” I says gesturing to her bed. Showing a small smile I continue “you do know that we share this room right?” looking over at him he is fiddling with his hands nervously. “Yeah….. I just forgot” he says in a small voice.  Tyson looks fragile at this moment not how he usually is when his with his friends or anybody else.  Maybe he will actually talk to me? Sorry Rose but I am going to use my own plan.

Closing my book I put in on my side table and ask “Why are you pushing me away?” he looks up startled and takes a deep breath. He gets up and walks over to my bed, eyeing the side of it silently asking if he can sit I nod and wait for him to sit. “Look Sapphire it’s long and complicated” he says with an unreadable expression looking over at me after he is seated on my bed. “I’ve got time” I reply thoughtfully. He looks at me for a moment probably debating if he is going to talk or push me away again. “I’m going to be beta” he says. I look at him in an “of course way” I knew that and I don’t see the relevance but I let him continue.

 “I’m going to have to fight rouges and deal with a lot of stuff and maybe one day” he pauses for a moment then continues in a wobbly voice “I might just not come back” moving to sit beside him I put one of my hands on his knee and rub my thumb in smoothing motions. “I know your strong enough to take care of yourself and I don’t want you to push me away just because you think you will die, yes we will all die someday but right now in this moment your alive and so am I so can’t we just try and make this work?” I say as I make contact with his soft gentle eyes. Slowly I move my hands behind his neck, leaning my forehead on his and…..


I’m sitting on the couch in the living room watching gray’s anatomy waiting for sapphire or Tyson to come down when Samantha walks in to the living room with an apron on. “Could you please get your sibling and my children for dinner Rose?” she asks politely. “Yeah where are they?” I rely getting up from the couch. “They should all be upstairs” she says heading back in the kitchen. Quickly running up the stairs to the third floor I walk to Graces door first knowing it will be the safest knowing their will not be anyone making out in it.  “Grace its dinner” I say after knocking on her door. “Okay will be right down” she reply’s through the door.  Walking to the end of the hall I’m about to knock on my door when Tyson burst through the door looking depressed “Tyson dinners ready” I say in a quiet voice not wanting to upset him anymore then he already is.  He gives me a nod and heads downstairs.

 “saph?” I ask as I walk into my room cautiously. Sapphire is sitting on her bed with a silent tear running down her face. “Oh saph” I say as I run to give her a hug. “What happened?”

“I tried to talk to him and to get him to stop pushing me away. He talked to me a little but then he just pushed my away again and left”



As I slowly lean in Tyson abruptly gets up and starts to pace on the other side of the room. Staring at him in disbelieve he walks back over to me. “I’m sorry saph” he mumbles as he kisses my head and walks out of the room.



Pulling back I try to get her mind off of it “how about we go eat dinner and then we can watch movies and eat popcorn and ice cream” I reply with a smile.


“I just have to get Aaron and tell him its dinner so I will meet you downstairs okay?” I ask in a questionable way to make sure she is okay. She gives me a nod and leaves the room to go downstairs. Walking across the hallway I knock on Aaron’s door and say “Aaron dinners ready” waiting for a minute he doesn’t reply so I knock again a couple more times. “Aaron, dinner” Still no answer. Getting frustrated I knock louder “if you don-“ before I can finish my sentence or even give a second thought the door is whipped open by Aaron who is in jeans and a blue t-shirt. He grabs me by my wrist and pulls me into his room slamming his door shut.




please!! :) <3

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