Chapter 31

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Blood that's all I smell and see, Red thick blood. What happened? Is everyone safe? What happened? There are a million questions that are rushing into my mind. I quickly run inside to see what has happened and I'm shocked Robert is lying on the ground with a knife in his chest and grace is on the couch with so much blood covering her. Going over to Robert I look so see that he is too still to be alive. Even though Robert hasn't been the greatest step father I never wanted him to be killed or anything like this and oh my gosh grace, She's so young she doesn't deserve this. Mom, where's my mother? Running with tears in my eyes I go up the stairs as fast as possible. "Mom" I shout over and over again as I look for her.

There's nothing out of the ordinary upstairs till I open her and Robert's door. "Mom" I yell as I rush over to where she's sitting. "Rose" she whispers. "You're going to be okay, I'll go get help" I tell her as I start to get the phone but she weakly grabs my arm. "Don't, it is okay, I'll be fine" she tells me. "But-"I try to talk as I cry. . "No, you'll be fine Rose. Baby I can't tell you how much I love you and your siblings with all my heart. Go find Marcus he will help and protect you guys. He will teach you about your pow-"she says but as she talks her breathing gets more and more quiet and shallow till it just stops. "No, you'll be fine Rose. Baby I can't tell you how much I love you and your siblings with all my heart. Go find Marcus he will help and protect you guys. He will teach you about your pow-"

"Mom, mom, mom, No!!" I sob as I just hold her for what seams like a really long time. "Rose, Rose we have to go" I hear sapphire tell me trying to get me to stand up. I don't even remember hearing someone come inside. Letting her pull me up she leads me downstairs where everything has been cleaned up and everyone is standing in the living room. "Tyson" I say as I run into his arms. "mo-moms gone" I tell him. "It's going to be okay, we will find out who did this" he soothingly tells me.

"Why don't you all go to the pack house for the night while Henry and I clean this place up and get this sorted out" Alpha Tyler told everyone. We all filed out and got into a couple cars that drove us to the pack house. When we got to the pack house I went straight to a spare bedroom and went into the covers.

Dominic, where are you. I need you. I tell him through our mate link

I'm on my way I'll be there before you know it

Who would do such a thing, killing three people? Who would be okay will killing someone for no good reason? Closing my eyes I feel the bed dip and know that Dominic has come into my bed. Snuggling into him I know I can fall asleep peacefully.

For the next few days I just felt like I was going through the motions. I don't remember much of what happened at my mom's, Roberts, and graces funeral. Everyone kept saying how sorry they were and I appreciate that but it won't change what happened and it didn't make me feel any better. The house is cleaned up and you can't even tell that anything happened here. Dominic has been really close by which I'm very thankful for. My phone has been in my room for the past couple of days so I decide that I should see if anyone has tried to contact me. I'm surprised that Mia has left me several messages over the past couple of days.

"Rose its Mia. Are you okay? I'm so sorry you had to go through that" "hey I'm really worried about you call me when you can" "My dad's been acting really weird Rose, I need your help" "Rose I'm freaking out please call me or something"

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