Chapter 30

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"Me and Tyson are going to go hang out with the males for a while if that's fine" Dominic asks as the four of us sit in the car on the way back from the mall. Even though my mind was preoccupied I had a really great day. We went to a movie and it took almost an hour to decide what movie we were going to watch but decided on a Romantic comedy. After the movie we went to the mall and the boys followed me and Sapphire around while we dragged them into all of the stores. Even though the day was great, I couldn't stop thinking about the note I got earlier today.

Dear my beautiful Rosemary

I hope you have been well. I have been watching you for so long; you have grown up so much. It's a shame your parents think that you and your sister would be better separated, I greatly disagree with their theory, and you two are so powerful together. I have been watching her and your brother too; he is such a cute little boy. Well I hoped you liked my message and know that Rose....

I'm coming for you!

Your dearest old friend Christopher

I don't even know what to think of the note; I don't even know anyone named Christopher. I'm coming for you; what does that even mean. Besides I don't even have a sister and my brother is not a cute little boy, this guy is seriously messed up and needs to get some facts straight. "Yeah, that's cool" Sapphire says. "My dad wants me to do some errands anyway" she continues. "Okay, I'm sure I can find something to do" I say.

After everyone got dropped off I decided to go home and relax. Walking into my house I go straight up to my room. I should probably put the note and Rose away somewhere safe so no one can look at it, I was in such a rush when I found the note that I forgot to put it away. Moving over to my vanity I see that it's not there, weird maybe it fell on the ground? No it's not their either maybe someone was up here? Dropping my purse on my bed I go downstairs to ask my mother if she was in my room.

"I don't know what to do? I really wish you were here" I hear my mom speak from the living room. Peaking my head in I see she's on the phone with someone. I know I shouldn't be ease dropping but what she says has me wanting to listen.

"I found a note from Christopher in her room and I'm really hopping she didn't read it. We decided to split them and us up for a reason, I don't know what I would do if he comes after them. I love them so much we can't let anything happen to them" she says as she starts to pace around the living room and I quickly duck behind the wall so she doesn't see me. "Yeah, I know, what do you think we should do?" she continues. Taking a deep breath she replies "okay. I can do that. I love you so much" after a couple seconds of the person replying she hangs up the phone and starts to walk towards me. I take a couple of steps back so it looks like I hadn't been listening.

Who could she have been taking to? I don't understand, I rarely hear her tell anyone that she loves them and who does she love that's not living in the house. Since I have gotten home our relationship has been really shitty maybe she's lightning up. "Hey mom" I tell her as I walk in to the living room. "Hello Rose, do you need anything?" she asks. "Oh no nothing" I tell her happily. "Are you okay? You seam sad?" I ask her; maybe I can get some kind of hint as to who she was talking too. "Oh yeah, I'm fine just thinking of someone I miss" she tells me and leaves the room no letting me ask any more questions.

Following her into the kitchen I ask her a question that has been on my mind for quiet sometime. "So mom why did Eric and Sebastian leave the pack?" "Sebastian was getting into trouble with a lot of people so he decided that it would be best if he left" she tells me not fazing at all. "That's it" I question her. "Yeah" she says. "Okay then, I'll be in my room if you need me" I tell her as I head upstairs. Reaching for one of my books to read I take a step back and think, maybe a run would be better to clear my mind. You know what, I think it would. Since my mom thinks I'm in my room, I'm just going to go out of the window. Jumping out of my window I land gracefully on all four paws.

When I'm in wolf form I never seem to be able to keep track of time and it always fly's by really fast. Taking my time walking back I start to keep the feeling that someone is watching me so I start to slowly jog home but before I know it I'm pounced on and I don't even have to guess who the person is because I know. He quickly changes in to his human form so he can talk to me. "Rozia? Is that you?" he asks and I look down. "Baby why didn't you tell me? I don't care what color your wolf is I love you no matter what" I look up and change in to my human form and collapse into his arms crying. "I thought you wouldn't love me anymore" I let our between sobs. Dominic does exactly what I need; he holds me.  

"Rozia its okay, I'll look for some books at the palace and we will figure this out" he tells me after I have gathered myself. "Really? Thanks you so much Dom" I tell him before giving him a much needed kiss. "oh!, my eyes they burn" Tyson yells as him, peter Justin, and Aaron come into sight. Dominic possessively growls and pushes me behind him. "Could you warn a dude beforehand, she is my sister" he says as he throws Dominic's shirt and shorts. "Sorry!" I yell and quickly throw on Dominic's shirt that almost goes to my thigh. "Do you guys want to be left alone or are you coming back with us Dominic?" Aaron asks. Dominic looks at me asking him I'm okay but I smile and say "go on, I fine, go have your male time" he pecks me and runs off with the guys. Feeling better I walk the last five minutes to the house But as I walk up to the house something seems off. I look around to find nothing out of place. I listen to forest to hear nothing, absolutely nothing. It's dead quiet, no birds chirping, no animals running on the soft forest floor.  A take a deep break bracing myself for what I am about to see but nothing could prepare me for what I did see.

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