Chapter 17

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 How could they expect me to go to the dance with him? He is such an asshole I can’t even descript it. I looked over at a smirking Aaron and gave him a glare before stomping up stars and slamming my door, locking it. Going over to my desk I get my white laptop and go to sit on my bed with it on my lap. I put my headphones in and call Dominic.  Waiting for him to answer I start to tap on the keyboard. When his face comes on to the screen I know a smile is on my faces despite what just happened.

“Rozia” he says in his little British accent smiling when he pops onto the screen. I notice he has no shirt on when he sits down on to his desk and I can see his v line. I wonder what he was doing...? “Rozia? Are you staring?’ he asks

“pfft… no there’s nothing worth staring at” I say confidently

“Okay, I so believe you” he says chuckling.

 “why don’t you have a shirt on any ways?” I say raising an eyebrow

“I just had a shower”

His hair is dry how could he just have a shower? “Really now? Why is your hair dry?”

“No it’s wet, it must be the lighting”

“Okay then, sure” as I give him a questionable look there is a soft knock on my door. “Who is it? I asked annoyed turning to face the door on the opposite side of the room.

“Your mother can I come in?” she responds in a soft voice. I thought they would leave me alone for the rest of the night.

“Do I have a choice?” I ask through the door. “Okay hold on Dimitri this should only take a minute” I whisper to the computer. “To what?” he says quietly. Laughing I almost shut my laptop but only so when my mom came in she would not be able to see what I was doing.

“No” she replies as she unlocks the Door and comes in and sits on my bed right beside me. Sighing I turn to look over at her.

“I think this is a good chance for you and Aaron to get to know each other” my mother says

“And why is that” I say

“Well you know Aaron’s mate died a year and a half ago and you have not found your mate. He will be graduating high school in a couple of months, me, Robert, Tyler and, Samantha have decided that you two will get married when you turn nineteen” she says so calmly. My mouth drops. Is she serious? I let out a small chuckle.

“Aaron would never agree to this and I don’t agree either” I say

“Aaron has already agreed to this, and you don’t have a choice in the matter” she says strictly. Furiated I tell her to get out and she does so after telling me that it is something that I will have to come in terms with. I will fly back to London before anything happens between the two of us. She knows nothing about me and Dominic and what is good for me. I could probably tell mom about Dimitri and London but I really don’t believe she would believe me. You are considered very lucky if you ever get to meet the Royal family let alone know them like me and sapphire do. I open my laptop back up to see Dimitri still sitting in his desk with his eyes almost black and has put a white tank top on.   

“You put a shirt on?” I tease him

“You are mine” he says possessively and very sexy.

“Yes I am, don’t worry nothing will happen. I will fly to London before anything happens” I say reassuringly as his eyes slowly start to turn back into their bright green color.

“So how are things their?” he asks

“You saw most of it, there’s a dance on Thursday and I have to go with Tyson, sapphire, and Aaron is my date. Apparently it’s for protection and so I will get to know Aaron better as you heard”

“Why do you need protection? From what I have heard you can handle yourself just fine” he says in disbelieve.

“Oh, I see, so you don’t believe that I can take care of myself?” I ask surprised.

“No I will have to see it before I believe it”

“Okay deal, next time I see you, you will be put on to your back”

“I like the sound of that” he says in a deep, smooth, voice in his small accent.

“Dimitri” I say sternly

“What aren’t I allowed to have dirty thoughts?” he asks

“I guess…. “I mumble off shyly as I turn to look away

“You’re so innocent. It’s very sexy” he says as I blush and he chuckles.

“How is it in London?” I ask him

“Very boring now that you’re not here. Everyone misses you. I miss you”

“I really miss everyone and you too. A while ago you said that I would see you soon and it’s been soon and your still not here. My heat will start next week remember and you promised that we would be together for that.” I say sadly

“Hey, we will be don’t worry, I never break my promises” he says sincerely.

“Okay” I reply smiling a little.  I and Demetri stay up talking until eleven when sapphire comes into our room for bed. Sapphire has been really quiet getting ready for bed. Sitting on my bed on my phone think and waiting for sapphire to say something about with what happened with the rouges and me being a white wolf but she doesn’t say anything. Right when I think I’m in the clear and the lights are off and we are both lying in bed trying to fall asleep sapphire speaks. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she says very disappointedly.

“I thought you would be scared and not want to be my friends let alone be around me anymore.”

“so that’s why you refused to go for a run with all of us, or why you would always sneak out in the morning for a couple hours and pretended to be asleep when I woke you up, or when me, Amy, and Chloe came rushing in telling you that we saw a white wolf, that was you?” she rambles on.

“You noticed that?”

“How could I not you’re not exactly quiet” she laughs

“In my defense you use to be a heavy sleeper” I say laughing with her. “Look I’m really sorry saph I won’t keep secrets from you anymore. I just barley know anything about white wolfs and what if I’m really dangerous and once I hit a certain age go rouge or something” I say nervously.

“you won’t Rose your, sweet and the kindest person I have ever know and even if you do which you won’t but if you do you will have so many people here with you to support you and be there for you”

“Okay thanks sapphire, night.”

“Goodnight Rose”

As I am staring up at the ceiling trying to fall asleep after mine and sapphires talk my phone vibrates on my bed side table. I reach over to grab it and see that I have a text from Erik.

Want to bang tomorrow after school at my place.

I look at my phone is disbelieve and am about to send a message he sends another three.

I meant hang. Duck auto-cucumber.

God donut.

How the duck do I turn this of?

Finally I quietly laugh sending a message to him.

It’s painful watching you struggle :P Sure tomorrow after school we can go hang at your house.

Then all my thoughts ended as I slipped in to oblivion.


Sorry for the late updae i had a busy weekend.





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