Chapter 4

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The feeling of the soft soil on my paws felt so great. It was still a little dark out because it is so early but with my wolf senses I could see as bright as day and I can hear the heartbeat of a rabbit a Mile away. After running for who knows how long I make my way to a lake where I always spent my time when I’m unhappy. I don't know why I am a white wolf. I am faster and stronger than most wolves considering that I am a beta daughter by marriage and not by birth because my mom married the beta of the pack Robert. I believe my dad was just a regular werewolf too but I don't really remember much about him. For werewolf's the colors go by ranking, The Royal family is gold/ sandy color, alpha's family is grey, betas family is red, other pack members are different shades of brown, rogues are mostly black but you will see some brown rogues sometimes, and well…. Pure white wolves only fit in to a category of really rare. My eyes turn a baby blue instead of a light blue when I shift. When most people shift to their wolf the only thing that stays the same is their eye color. I cut though a small path through a couple bushes, shift, put my clothes on, and sit by the water look at the sunrise.

 The water was so beautiful early in the morning almost as beautiful as it is at night time. There were trees and mountains surrounding the entire lake. This lake is almost always unoccupied. I come here a lot and now the realization of never coming back here or ever seeing sapphire, Lucas, Derek, little Lacey, aunt Clarissa, uncle James, Dominic, the guards Samuel and Peter their families, even Adrian. I start crying non-stop. Then I hear it. I hear something in the bushes and my head darts over to where I came in to the lake area. That wonderful smell hits me again; I look up, and blink a couple of time trying to get my vision straight through all of the tears. When I can see I look straight at him. “MINE” my wolf says as I look into his gorgeous bright green eyes and run the other way beck in to the forest as fast as I can. As I hear my wolf yelling at me to turn around I block her out and keep going.

I don't know who he is the only thing I know is he is my mate but right now I don't want a mate right now because all that means is leaving another person I love behind. I can smell him following and getting closer but I can’t shift because he can't know I am a white wolf, no one knows except me and I plan on keeping that way for a while. I don't hear him anymore so I slow down and turn around thinking he is gone, but see him their 30 feet away with his arms opened and a very worried and sad look on his face. I know I shouldn't, it will just be harder but I want to so bad. “Please, I need him, and so do you” I hear my wolf beg in my head.

After hearing her beg I give in and run up to him as fast as I can and hug him like my life depend on it. After a couple minuets I pull back looking at him but not letting go. Looking into his bright green eyes, and noticing he blond sort of curly hair realizing just who my mate is... He almost looks the same he did when he left with his piercing green eyes that have a little smile in them, and his chiseled features that are perfectly sculpted. He has naturally tan skin that's warm and cool in all the right places. He has a strong, muscular body that moves with such grace and ease. His hair is a light blond that is so carelessly gorgeous you just want to run your fingers through it.

"No, it can't be" I said in disbelieve

"Do I know you?" he said in a worried voice


"Yeah, who are you?" looking at me really confused

He is really cute right now I just want to kiss him and have him hold me in his really strong arms. The sadness I was feeling just disappears with him holding me.


I get out of the car to see a huge mansion, home. I missed it so much I have been calling and writing my family but it is hard when you can't actually see them in person and hug them. My dad sent me to American when I was 16 to help packs with a rogue problem he said that is would help me become a good leader and that maybe I would find my mate there.

It had helped me become a better leader and help me to understand what is happening with the rouges but I did not find my mate which is really disappointing. I am nineteen and I still have not found her I am starting to think that maybe I never will. My parent are the only ones who know I am coming home, I wanted to keep it a secret from everyone else. I look down and see 10:45 on my watch. My wolf is dying to go for a run and since I had a long flight I decided not to deny it. I am technically not supposed to be home till 11:30, so I pull my suit cases to the front door and head to the forest. Once I am far enough inside the forest I take off my ripped dark blue jeans and my white t-shirt, shift and run.

 A wonderful full smell and I follow it to the lake that I use to spend all of my time their whenever I got sad upset or just wanted a break. Then I saw her most beautiful girl in the world. The moment I see her I know she is my mate. I slowly got out of seeing distance from her so I could shift and put clothes on then I went back to watch her, she has really long beautiful brown hair. Evan thought I can only see the side of her and she is sitting down I can tell that she has curves in all of the right places and looks about 5'3. I stood there for a while until I felt something on my arm so I look down and see a spider when I flick it off. My hand hits a bush and makes a loud sound that makes the girl whips her head around to look straight at me.  For a second and I can see that her eyes are all red and she has clearly has been crying for a while. Before I can blink again she then turn around and bolts the other direction.

Shit, where does she think she is going, she is clearly hurt, and she is my mate I can't leave her so I start to run. Must I say she is very fast I mean like really fast she must be a alphas daughter, I can catch up to her easy because I am the prince that is next in line to become king. I don't want to scare her off or anything so I stop. when she get about 30 feet away she realizes that I am no longer running so she turns around to look at me and I just put my arms open. She looks so desperate and sad I just want to make it all go away for her.

 She looks hesitant at first but then comes running towards me and wraps her arm around my waist and I wrap mine around her shoulders and back. with her so close all I want to do is fix whatever the problem is, mark her, kiss, her and have my way with her right here but I can't I will just have to wait a little longer. I give her a couple soothing words and then after a few minutes she pulls back so I can get a view of her. I don't know why but she seems really familiar I just can't put my finger on it.

No, it can't be" she said in a beautiful halo voice

"Do I know you?"

"Dominic?" She says

"Yeah, who are you?" I am now completely clueless to whom she is and I really want to know when she is and if I know her.

“You don’t remember me? Well… you will just have to figure it out” she says with a smirk on her face. I look into her light blue eyes that look like the sea.

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