Chapter 3

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My last two classes of the day were dance academy then foods. No, I’m not an amazing dancer and it’s probably not going to be what I do when I get out of high school but I love to dance. The last block of the day the teacher keeps taking and taking so I just space out and not pay attention. There is no point paying attention or doing homework because according to the so called mother of mine I won't be coming back. When the bell goes for the end of the day I begin to walk to mine and sapphire's dorm room. Amy and Chloe share a dorm room right across the hall from us so it is very easy to get to. The school is pretty big compared to what I can remember from the other schools back home.

There is really green grass around the school, and then just outside the gates there is one road and a lot of forest. After about eight minutes of walking I get to our room open the door, take off my gray toms, throw my school bag on my bed and then head to the kitchen. You could say our dorm is like any other dorm room with a kitchen with a fridge, a stove, a Table for four, two bedrooms, a living room, and two bathrooms. Our dorm is pretty much like two hallways with rooms leading off it when you come in. There is a straight hall with a closet by the side and then a doorway that leads you to the kitchen, and then you turn to one more hallways with my bedroom, a living room, and sapphire's bedroom. We each have our bathrooms attached to our bedrooms that have a walk in closet.

 It is 4:00 when I get home and Saph is out at Starbucks with Chloe and Amy but I said I didn't want to go because I wanted to make a really good dinner. I usually end up making the meals for us because sapphire can't really cook. The last time I let her try, the kitchen was a mess and the food tasted horrible, no offense to her. I am going to make macaroni and cheese because it is our favorite, and we will end up have take-out tomorrow so technically it is my last day to cook dinner. It's about 5 when I finish cooking and hear the door open and sapphire come through. " Hey Rose I am home, what smells so good" she shouts from the door "I made macaroni and cheese because it is our favorite and because it is my last day" I shout. Saph then comes rushing in grabs a fork from the drawer grabs her bowl, sits down and starts eating really fast. I giggle "Saph there is a lot of food and it’s not going anywhere" " I know but it will get cold" "ok then" I grab a fork, my bowl, and then I sit and start eating, but  just a little slower than she did.

"I think this is of the best meals you have ..... Ever made" she says taking in between bites "I have to completely agree with you on that"

"Um... Rose" she says as her face and voice get serious and sad.

"Yeah, what's up?" I say giving her a half smile after I finish the last bit of my macaroni and cheese.

 “You know how I was out today"

"Yeah" I say getting more worried

"My dad called"

 Sapphire almost has the same family problem as me. She is an alpha's daughter and has an older brother. Her dad sent her here because she had bad behavior and was not a perfect child so pretty much the same reason I am. Her pack is somewhere in Canada too. We don't really talk about our families much but we both know the basics for each other’s family. We kind of have our own family here with Adrian, Lucas, and Derek, their little sister Lacey who is about 6, their older brother Dominic who is 19, and their parent’s Queen Clarissa and King James.

None of us have seen Dominic since I was 13 because he had to go help some packs in America. They are the closest thing me and sapphire have had to parents in a long time, so we just call them our aunts and uncles. A couple of the guards are also just like family; they trained me and sapphire in fighting and kicking some serious ass. They tough us everything I know.

The Royal family pretty much looks after all of the other werewolf packs around the world and Makes sure that it is decently peaceful, I mean there are still fights that happen between rogues and packs but they try to keep wars from happening or big group rogue attacks. Most rogues your find will have black fur.

"Oh, what did he say?" I ask

"He told me that he needs me home"

"What? Why? When?"

"Yeah, My flight leaves Sunday at 4, he did not say much as to why I need to come home he just mentioned something about rogues and a..... Pure white wolf"

In the werewolf world pure white wolfs are known to be so rare, I mean like so rare that the last one seen was in about 1980 that we have heard of. I don't know if it is because there are so rare that people are scared if them or if they are actually really bad and dangerous like rouges.

"What really? And he didn’t say anything else?"

"No" she says as tears start to fill her eyes

“Oh, Saph I am sorry" I say pulling her in to a hug

"I guess we are bother going home then, what is the family and the boys going to do now, especially Adrian" she said pulling away giggling.

"Oh, shut up" I say hitting her arm and laughing too.

We then cleaned up and went to watch TV for a while until she said

"I think I am going to head to bed"

"Okay I think I will read a little bit then go to bed"

"K, goodnight"

"Night" I reply

I look at my I phone 4 to check the Time and it says 10:00. Wow, I didn't know it was this late but oh well! I decide to read for 15 minutes and then go to bed. I do my normal routine at night, I take off my make-up which is only some eyeliner and a tiny but of mascara, brush my hair, brush my teeth, take off my light blue skirt, white blouse, and white knee high socks which is my school uniform. Then I change into my baby blue pajama shorts and my extra extra large dark blue t-shirt. Yeah I know I love blue it’s my favorite color. I think having a dress code is terrible but at least ours have lots of choice. The girls have either blue, pink, black, white, and purple skirts, white or black socks and blouse, and whatever shoes you want. The guys have navy blue pants and jacket, whatever shirt they want underneath the jacket, and whatever bow or tie they want if they want one.

I then set my alarm for 7AM, plug in my phone and hop into bed. Right as if lay down I feel so tired and sleep right away.

BEEP,  BEEP, BEEP. Ugg what’s that fucking noise. "Oh shit" Reaching my hand over I hit my alarm and turn it off. My clock says 7:00 why did I set it this early again. As you can tell the morning is so not for me. Slowly, very slowly I get up put on my light blue jeans, a light pink tank top, and my bra, socks and underwear of course. Then putting on my light everyday makeup and go to the kitchen. I open the fridge and there is 1 egg, a watermelon and a cup of vanilla Greek yogurt.

 "Great just flipping great" I mumble to myself.

"Rose? Is that you? Why are you up so early?" sapphire says sleepily. "Shit" I grab my Phone from the counter and run out the door before she sees me. Breakfast will have to wait when I get back. I quickly walk out of the building and towards the gate it takes me about 10 to fifteen minutes to get to the gate because the school is so big.

We are supposed to get permission to leave the school grounds but I know the Guards who work at the gate and besides there are only 3 of them. When I get to the gate the guy is sleeping so I quietly hit the button to open the gate and go through before it shuts. I start to walk in to the forest, I try to run at least once every three days but I have not run in a week and my wolf is just waiting to be let out.

When I get deep enough in to the forest I close my eye and take a minute to take in all of the birds chirping, the crickets making their music and the wind lightly blowing my hair out of my face. Oh, how I will miss this place so much. Taking my clothes off and tying them around my ankles, I smell the most beautiful smell ever. I look around and see nothing in particular that could smell like that, so I brush it off and start running and begin to shift into my beautiful pure white wolf....

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