Chapter 7

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I jump up and run into his arms without looking at him, already knowing who it is, Dominic.

"You are even more beautiful then I imagined" he whispered into my ear. I blushed but thanks to the dim light he couldn't tell.

"You know that is a very cheesy pickup line" I say

"Yes, I do know but it doesn't matter because it is completely true"

"Wait, you imagined about me?"

"Yes, all day"

"Well you look very handsome" I said giving him a peck on the lips. He was wearing jeans, a leather jacket and a white shirt. Even though it was casual it looked so good on him.

"Well let me introduce you to Chloe and Amy, and you can see everyone else" I say pulling him the couple feet to the table.

I introduced Amy and Chloe to Dominic and I think that he likes them which is a good thing for Lucas and Derek. We then all spent awhile getting caught up and hearing about some stuff that Dominic did in America. He helped packs who had rouge problems. He even traveled with a five year old girl for two weeks to help her find her family. I fell really guilty about not telling Dominic that I’m leaving tomorrow but I know I have to tell him some time. Tonight when we all go back to their place I think I will. I don't want to leave him at all but I don't believe I will get a choice will call him all the time and hopefully we will be together when my heat comes around in about a month because I don't think I could handle it without him.

I saw the dance floor was packed and overflowing. From the bar to the doors was an open space with stairs that went to the dance floor there were people dancing on the stairs and some were even heading to the private rooms in the back. "Dominic can we please dance now" I say looking at him with my puppy dog face.

"Of course love" he says with smile as I pull him towards the dance floor.

We dance for a long time, I only have two drinks which got me buzzed because I almost never drink when we come to clubs but it was mine and sapphires last night so screw it. Everyone was pretty sober except for Adrian who usually gets drunk when we go to clubs. It was 11:15 when we decided to go back to the boys’ mansion.

"Hey can we make a quick stop at the mall before we go to your place" I ask as I snuggle in to Dominic as he puts his arm around me. I look at the girls and they look confused but I know they will go along with it. We are all currently in their big van that we drove here in. Dominic decided to leave his car here and come get it in the morning.

"Yeah, what for?" Lucas said looking over to me.

"Oh, just some girl stuff, you will see when we come back" Amy said pecking him on his cheek.

"Wait, we can't come?" Derek begging Chloe.

"No" Chloe said kissing his lips.

We stopped at the mall five minutes later. All of the girls and me hopped out and they all look at me when we get within enough distance from the car so the boys can't here.

"What are we doing here Rose? The mall is closed?" Chloe says

"We aren't actually going to the mall we are going next door to the tattoo parlor" I say with a smile as I keep walking towards the parlor. They fallow but still protest

"Are you serious? You’re going to get a tattoo?" Chloe says

"Yeah, come on live a little it will be fun, I think I am going to get my eyebrow pierced too" I say with excitement.

"Maybe I will get one too I mean we are going home, are we not? You’re completely right we need to live a little. Amy are you game?" Sapphire says.

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