Chapter 1*

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"What is going on here?" Ms. Morgan demands as she stomps down the hallway towards a large crowd. I look around and see many people laughing uncontrollably. There is paint splattered everywhere on the floor, walls, and on the lockers. Ms. Morgan's face is bright red while she looks around, trying to find out who the culprit is. Little does she know they are across the hallway from each other, smirking. You would think that one of the administrators would figure out who pulled the pranks.

If you haven't guessed already, my best friend Sapphire Gray and I are the ones who pull these pranks. I guess you could say we are the troublemakers of the school.

My name is Rosemary Parker, but everyone just calls me Rose. I am about 5'3 which I guess is average height. I also have long dark brown hair that goes to my waist, side bangs and light blue eyes. I am sixteen and currently in London going to boarding school. I love London but after nine years I just want to go home.

I moved here when I was in grade 2 because my mom got remarried. My dad got into a plane crash when I was in grade 1 and died. I don't know much about my dad; my mom refuses to talk about him. I don't understand how she feels, because I have never lost my mate, had a mate, or been in love for that matter.

Yes, I have gone out with a couple guys, but we did not last long and they were not serious. My mom got remarried to Robert, who has a daughter my age. My bad behavior got my mother and step father to send me to boarding school. Before I left I was told that I was not acting how a beta's daughter should act.

Through all the ups and downs I'm glad I came here because otherwise I wouldn't get to meet my best friend sapphire. I love London, I do, but I just miss Canada and my pack. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I am a werewolf. Sapphire and my other friends, Adrian Royal, Derek Royal and Lucas Royal, are all werewolves too. Adrian is a year older than me; Derek and Lucas are my age and are twins. The three of them are siblings, and are part of the Royal werewolf family.

Watching Ms. Morgan freaking out and trying to clear the hallway, I hear my name called.

"Rose," I look behind me and see Adrian. I look into his baby blue eyes and say, "Hey Adrian, what's up?" with a smile on my face.

"Just thinking that you guys will get caught if you keep this up."

"Wow! Adrian I really thought you had faith in me," I say looking falsely hurt. I look up at him, because he is about 6'1 and see him looking and pointing behind me.

I then see Sapphire walking towards us giggling with her blonde hair swinging at her shoulders. Sapphire is about an inch taller than me, so I don't have to look up as much when I'm talking to her as I do when I talk to Adrian.

"You know Adrian, if we are going to get caught, it would have happened by now," Sapphire said. Just as Adrian was going to say something, the bell goes, and he runs his hand through his short black hair in frustration. The hallway starts to clear and sapphire says "Come on Rose we better get to class"

"Okay! Bye Adrian" I say with a smirk

"Bye love" he says. As he walks one way and I and sapphire walk the other direction to English class. I know you might think that I am dating him but I am not he just flirts with me a LOT and tries to get in to my pants. As we walk to class a lot of people are looking at us and trying not to laugh because they knew that we pulled the prank. Sapphire and I get in to English class just as the second bell goes and take our seats at the back of the class behind Derek and Lucas. "Okay, class settle down the second bell went that means everyone should be in their seats and ready to LEARN" Mr. Roberts say as everyone quickly scurries to their seats. "Today we will be starting a unit on poetry" he says and everyone sighs. Gosh I hate poetry, out of everything, math, socials, science... well maybe not science but I really do hate it. Poetry is like writing a story with restrictions like every other line has to rhyme or something. "Yeah I know everyone hates poetry but it is mandatory so suck it up" he says with a smile. "Hey Rose look at this" sapphire says handing me a Note after taping me on the shoulder to get my attention. I look into her green eye and see excitement in them so I take the note, open it and read it in my head.

To: Rose and Saph <3

Will you guys please skip class with us??? :) :) :) :)

Love: The amazing Lucas and Derek

I love Lucas and Derek as brothers and great friends but they are just crazy, it's February 10 2013 the first week of second semester. I grab my pencil and reply back

To: Lucas and Derek

R u crazy it is the first day of the semester; we can't

Love: Rose and Saph

I hand the note over to the boys and Sapphire gets it back in seconds

To: Rose and Saph

Pretty pretty please??? <3 <3

Love: the amazing Lucas and Derek

I finally decide to give in I mean there are just too cute with Derek's dark short brown hair and Lucas's long light brown hair, and their eyes that are a mix of blue and green, and I mean what harm can it do so I write back

To Lucan and Derek


Love Rose and Saph

I give the note back to the boys and can tell they have big smiles on there faces. The class then goes on as normal. we read poems and then he tells us to each write a poem of our choice for homework and then gives up the last five minutes of class to chat.

"Rosemary" Mr. Roberts says

"Yes?" I say looking up at him.

"You are wanted in the principal's office." I look at sapphire and she gives me a worried look then I look at the boys and see the same look. I then grab my binder and bag and head for the principal's office. I just hope that I am not there to get in trouble for the prank me and sapphire pulled today.


Hope you guys like the story. its get way better so please keep reading.***

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