Chapter 32

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When I finally wake up I realize that I'm blindfolded, standing with my hands somehow tied above my head, and only have a bra and underwear on. I try to struggle but it seems useless. "You shouldn't have tried to escape Rose. I never wanted to hurt you but you leave me no choice" someone who sounds like Christopher says as I hear footsteps get closer and closer to me.

"I'm sorry I had to do this Rose" he says before I feel a sharp pain on my back that makes me cry out against my will. "Sure you are" I spit out "why are you even doing this" I continue breathlessly. "Because you need to learn to behave" he tells me as I feel the pain on my back again. Panting I try to block out the immense pain that I feel; but even with all my efforts the pain continues for what seems like forever till I get harshly dropped to the floor and left in a pitch black room.

Taking my blindfold off I try to figure out how big the room is and if theirs way to get out; but the longer I look the less likely it seems that I will be able to get out of here by myself. Standing up I very slowly walk straight still I hit a wall. I follow the wall around the room till I find a door. Without getting my hopes up I try to open the door to find it locked as expected. After loo for a way out I give up. Walking to the corner of the room I curl up and try to sleep, and after what seems like forever I finally fall asleep only to been woken up by someone shaking me.

"What" I mumble sleepily. "Rose you have to get up, we have to go now" a familiar male voice tell me. Rubbing my eyes I look up to see Marcus kneeling in front of me. "What are you doing here" I ask him confused. "We're here to get you out!" he tells me frantically as he gets me to stand up. Listening I hear fighting noises all around and the door to the tiny room in wide open. "Okay, wait who else is here?" I ask as he helps me start to walk to the door. I can barely feel anything everything feels wrong and out of place; my back feels like it's going to explode. Right as he is about to answer, Mia comes rushing in and tackles me in a really painful hug. I wince and try not to make a sound.

"Oh Rose I'm so glad you're alive" she tells me pulling back. "Yeah me too" I chuckle trying to ease off the awkwardness. "Mia is it clear?" Marcus asks her "yup" she says with a big smile clearly looking accomplished and proud. "Okay lets go" he ushers us out of the room and up a set of stairs; I'm really slow going up the stairs so Marcus ends up just caring me on his back after much of my protest. After we get to the top of the stairs we go towards what looks like the back of the house. All I see is bodies and people fighting everywhere. "We have to help them" I tell Marcus. "We have to keep moving and get you to safety Rose, besides do you really think you in a good enough condition to fight" he tells me sternly as we exit the house right behind Mia. Feeling hopeless I hold on till I get put in to a car and we drive off. Looking back I wish I could do something. "How did you guys find me? Do you guys know who that guy is who kidnapped me? And do you guys know where Dominic is?" I ask them. They both go really quiet until Marcus speaks up "we will tell you everything when we get back to the house, it's a couple hour drive so why don't you rest?"

"Okay I guess" I mumble. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep but it takes me awhile because I can't stop feeling like something is really wrong.

"Rose we are here" Mia whispers to me right as we pull in to their house. Getting up I remember that the last thing my mother told me was to go find Marcus. "Hey Marcus do you know my mother?" I ask him as we walk in to the house. He freezes for a second and then turns to me. "I will explain why don't you take a seat in the living room while I make something to drink, I also believe there is someone waiting to see you"

Going as fast as my legs can take me I try to run to the living room. Maybe it's Dominic. I walk in to the living room to be crushed in a hug by Tyson. "Are you okay? I missed you so much, how are you?" he rushed out pulling me to the couch. "I'm okay, I'll live" I say weakly. "Okay I brought some coffee and tea" Marcus tells us as he, Mia and Josh come in to the living room. "Can I have tea please" I ask. He pores me a cup and takes a seat on the couch across from me and Tyson. "So you have some questions Rose?" he asks me and I nod my head. "I'll explain" he continues.

"Well .. I don't know where to start.... Maybe I'll give you these back first" he tells me and Tyson as he puts his hand over our foreheads in turn. Before I know it a whole bunch of memories come flooding back in to my mind. How when I was little we use to always go to the park, but in the version in my head I can clear see that's theirs four little kids and two adults and all of the images are crystal clear. "So you're.... You're our father, and Mia and Josh are our siblings" I say in disbelieve. "Yes Rose, you and Mia are twins... also you me and Mia are all white wolfs if you don't remember" I nod and he continues "white wolfs are decedents from the first Royal werewolf family, we are stronger and more superior to other werewolf's because of it. A long time ago a white wolf went rouge and destroyed a village; the other werewolf over reacted and decide to destroy all of us. We are one of the last families left so your mother and I decide to split you guys up, we didn't want any of you to get hurt. We thought it was best." He tells us looking disappointed. "Who is Christopher? I ask "He is the reason we split you guys up he is head of one of the families who are still trying to hunt us down. He found us one day when Josh was only a couple weeks old. We did get away but we decide to drop contact and split you guys up. I have letters for all of you from your mother she gave them to me after she found the Note in your room Rose" he says. He hands one to each of us. I look at mine and see her hand writing on the front with my name. Opening it I begin to read

Dear my beloved Rosemary

I know that from what you remember things have always been a little rough with us, but right now I can't tell you how much you mean to me. I'm so sorry that I kept all of these things from you. Your best interest has always been on my mind when I did them. I understand if you can forgive me Rose but know that you will always be in my heart and no matter where I am I will always love you to the moon and back.

Love forever and always your mother XXXOOO

By the time I read the end of the letter my eyes are filled with tears and it looks like all of my family has them too. "Your mother would have loved to be here and finally see all of her family together" Marcus says "its okay dad well be okay" Mia says lovingly to him as she goes over to give him hug. "Do you guys know where Dominic is? I really need to talk to him" I ask them. They all suddenly find something really interesting about their feet. What happen to him? He's probably just injured somewhere and they don want to tell me because they don't want to hurt my feelings. "Guys just tell me I can handle it" I reassure them "Dad?" I ask "Rosemary, he's......"

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