Chapter 19

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“Who’s there?” I ask nervously. “Calm down it’s just me” Mia says stepping out from behind the lockers.

“You shouldn’t scare people like that” I say

“Sorry” she laughs. “soooo… what was your excuse to get out of the rest of gym class”

“Period cramps” I say smiling showing Mia that I actually didn’t have any “what was yours?”

“I got a note from my dad” she says as we walk out of the gym and behind the stairwell by the gym.

 “Lucky I wish my stepdad would write me a note for gym”

“So you have horny siblings and a stepfather who won’t write notes to skip gym. Am I missing anything?” Mia jokes

“Yeah just my mom but don’t even get me started on her” I roll my eyes.

“Have you met your mate yet?” Mia asks me with curiosity. I don’t know if I should tell her or not. No one here knows that I have found my mate yet but sapphire. I think my family will be really annoying about it. “Yeah, but you can’t tell anyone that I did” I say as a hug grin fills my face. 

“I promise, now tell me details” she begs. Chuckling I tell her everything about me and Dimitri leaving out the part about him being part of the royal family and all.

“Hey Rosie, are you ready?” Erik asks me as I am at my locker after the bell went to end school after talking with Mia. Taking my Jean jacket from my locker I turn to face Erik and say “yup, are you ready to bang?” I ask laughing at him.  “Hey, it’s not my fault I don’t know how to turn auto correct off” he says lightly hitting my arm. “You mean auto-cucumber?”  He stops and looks at me dead serious. “Are you done?” he says

“God donut I am” I say burst out laughing. Lately picking on Erik has been what I live for, most times he will start to laugh with me until we get glares from people in the class.  “Okay, I promise, I’m done” I say after controlling my laughter as we start to walk down the hallway. 

As me and Erik walk down the hall lots of people stare at us and give us weird looks. “Why is it so weird that we are hanging out, I don’t get it this school is so weird” I say in frustration to him.  He just shrugs probably knowing something I don’t. “What are you staring at?” I pretty much yell down the hall way. Taking a deep breath I calm myself before we exit the building.

As me and Erik pass students and almost  leave school grounds two familiar hands wraps around my waist and before I can get out of the persons grip, a booming voice that demands submission says “don’t” stopping my movements I wait for the grip to loosen on my waist and turn around to face Aaron. “What do you want?” I say with disgust. “Where do you think you’re going?” he replies my question with another.

“It doesn’t concern you” I almost spit as I shake out of his grip.

“It dose I am your Alpha and will be your mate! It dose concern me” he says strictly. At this point we are both yells and we have many eyes watching the show. When Aaron said that he would be my mate I heard a lot of gasps and a lot of people had faces that were shocked.

“You will never be my mate if I have anything to do with it, and you can’t control who I hang out with just because you’re my Alpha” Erik is standing between us probably not knowing if he should step in or not. 

“Don’t make me forcibly bring you home Rose” Aaron says with a little sincerity I am not completely sure I heard him right.

“Yeah? You and who?” I ask in disbelieve, if he thinks that he can handle me by himself he has another thing coming to him. He might be able to beat me but I will put up a really good fight before I get dragged back to the house. Aaron raises his hand and motions a finger towards me and Tyson, Peter and Justin step out of the crowd and start to make their move towards me.  With their flowing blonde hair that just went past their ears and gray eyes Peter and Justin look so alike it’s really hard to tell the difference.

This isn’t good if it was just Tyson then maybe but the three of them and Aaron… “Really four against one? Don’t you think that’s a little unfair” I ask as Aaron just shrugs.

Looking at Erik I see him give me an Apologetic look and shrug meaning he can’t do anything and that he’s sorry. “I will text you” I say to him before smirking and make a quick escape for the forest. Knowing that the four of them are following me I try to keep my fast pace but they are catching up with me. Using my short height I try to find more difficult paths for them to catch up with me. “Rose! This is enough” I hear Tyson shout angrily. Not turning around I can tell that they are within twenty feet behind me. Even if they catch me I really won’t get punished because to them I will be Aarons mate and future Luna but I will get yelled at and they might even though in more training or detention. “This is frustrating” Aaron says sighing before pinning me to the ground with my hands above my head. “Why are you so against us becoming mates?” he asks not changing his position knowing if he does I will run again. Behind him Tyson’s there and Justin and Peter are on each side of us.

“I don’t want to talk about it” I say stubbornly. If I really wanted to I could tell everyone that I have found my mate already but I feel like my mom would just want to use that he is part of the royal family to her own use. “Okay if you don’t want to talk about if know that’s fine but we will have this conversation later” Aaron says, slowly getting off of me and standing up. “You will be coming home” he says strictly. “Whatever” I huff as I get up and start to walk home.

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