Chapter 14

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As I bolt out the door I start to run home. It’s a 15 minute car ride from my house and I have no other option but to run. There is no forest between, our houses so shifting is out of the question. I don’t think it would go very well to have a human see a very very big dog running on the streets, that’s just asking for animal control to be called. With gym, dance, and playing hid and go seek tag with Derek and Mia that was the hardest I have pushed my body like that in a while.

 The last time was when I had my first training class with King James and sapphire. We started when we were twelve, I had already shifted my then but no one knew that. I was so scared that night I shifted for the first time. Most people will expect it on or around their thirteenth birthday. Mine was the night of my eleventh birthday.


I bolt up siting on my bed panting and covered in cold sweat. Breathe breathe. I tell myself repeatedly. It’s just a nightmare that I forget, then a sharp intensive pain runs through my back and I have to bite my tongue from yelling. It’s exactly twelve o’clock: it officially my eleventh birthday. I have to get out of here, I don’t know what’s happening to me but I can’t wake sapphire up. I push through the pain and run out of the dorm building to the forest. When I get enough in the forest that no one can hear my screams as I go through the most painful hours of my life. By the end of the five and a half hours, most of the trees around me beaten up or fallen down, and I am in my wolf form.

 I start to slowly walk deeper into the forest getting a feel for my wolf. Walking quickly turns into jogging and jogging turns into sprinting. I run till I find a river, I look at my reflection to finally see what my wolf looks like. I was shocked to say the least; my wolf was white with gorgeous baby blue eyes. I spent the next hour running and playing in the river till I quietly sneaked back into my bed before sapphire noticed I was gone.

End of flash back

It was seven by the time I got back to the house. Knowing her she is waiting for me. My guess was right because as soon as I walk into the house she is their sitting on the chair in the foyer.

“You’re late, I told you to be home by six and it’s now its seven” she tells me calmly. Even though her voice is calm I know she is going to freak out any moment.

“I lost track of time” I said annoyed “Don’t use that tone with me, I am your mother and you will respect me. You will be training with jack tomorrow and Thursday and will have double chores” she says to me sternly. “Whatever” I mumble as I push past her and head upstairs. 


 Sorry for the short chapter but i updated yesterday :)




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