Chapter 22

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Before I can process anything he is kissing me harshly, while I stayed frozen in his grasp. I knew Aaron wanted it to be real, but I couldn't join in the fantasy. He wrapped both arms around me, hoping that with time, I'd come around and feel the same way. But I just pulled away and took a couple steps back. "I'm sorry Aaron, I have a mate" I tell him as I have to destroy the hope in his eyes. Turning to leave I say "you will find her someday, I promise" "and dinners ready" I continue before heading downstairs for dinner.

Tyson, Sapphire, Aaron, and I made dinner very silent and tense. The adults tried to make conversation but we were clearly not in the mood for talking. Me and sapphire ate our dinners very quickly so we could go have our movie night and be rid of the awkwardness. "Can I be excused please" I ask after a little more than ten minutes of dinner "me too?" sapphire asks. Our parents all look at each other probable talking to themselves through the mind link and then alpha Tyler says "You guys haven't eaten very much" he tells us trying to ask what happened but the boys can tell them if they want to know. "We had a big lunch" sapphire replies to her father "okay then" he says. I and sapphire try to put our dishes away, grab popcorn, ice cream and drinks as fast as possible to go upstairs to go have our movie night.

"Aaron kissed me" I blurt in the middle of bride wars. We bushed our beds together and are watching them movie on my laptop with the popcorn and ice cream in between us. She takes I minute to pause the movie then says "When you went to tell him it was dinner?" I nod. "I knew something happened between you two, dinner was....." she continues "tense?" I finish for her.

"Yeah. Tell me what happened?" she says gently.

"I was knocking on his door and he wouldn't answer and I called him several times and he still didn't answer. But then he quickly opened the door and pulled me in and started kissing me, I was so shocked it took me a minute to pull away. Then I told him I had a mate and left" I say sadly.

"You have to tell Dominic" she tells me in a matter-of-fast tone.

Looking down I say "he's not going to want me anymore"

"Yes he will, you just have to tell him what happened and he'll understand. Just make sure to tell him before someone else" I nod and reply "thanks." Later that night I ended up not skyping Dominic.

I moaned from the bright sun-light against my face, wondered how long I'd been sleeping. I blinked, shut my eyes, and blinked again. I yawned, managing to fully open both eyes. Looking at my clock that said it was seven exactly. Do I really want to go to school? Aaron will be there and I already have to go to the dance tonight. Then I decided today I will be sick. Turning off my alarm I roll over and go back to sleep. "Rose, you have to wake up if you don't want to be late" sapphire says after shaking me gently. "I don't feel good I think I'm just going to stay home so I can be well enough for the dance" I say in a croaky voice.  "Okay I'll let your parents know. "Feel better" she says leaving my room. As the door quietly closes my eyes drift off to sleep again. 

A soft knock on my door wakes me up from my peaceful sleep. I rub my eye as I push myself into a seating position check the time realizing that I slept another five hours. Who would come to my door I the middle of the day? Everyone should be at work or school. "Yes, come in" I say in a soft-speaking voice.  Of all people Aaron slowly opens the door and slowly steps in to the room. "Hey" he said as I look at him with curiously.

"You weren't at school" he says in a matter-of fact- tone, not even asking. "I wasn't feeling well this morning, and I was resting for the dance because I know my parent will force me to go" I reply. "So......" he trails off walking slowly to my bed. "Just spit it out Aaron. Why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk about your mate" he says pulling up a chair and sitting beside my bed but the way he said "mate" seems like he doesn't believe me. "Did you tell anyone" I ask with worry. "No" he says sourly. "Sorry. It's not like you believe me or anything" I say sarcastically. He raises his eyebrows "I kissed you and then you say you have a mate before quickly leaving, excuse me for not believing you" he said in a taunt voice. I reach over to grab my phone on my night stand, after a minute of me going through my phone Aaron stumbles "what are you-" before he can finish I hold up my phone to show him a picture of me and Dominic that I took the day before we left. "This is Dominic my mate" I said in a tight voice. "Okay..." he trails off.

"Now it's my turn to ask the questions. Why did you kiss me?" I ask. "I did it because that's what our parents want" he says nervously looking at his hands. "But Aaron is it what you want?" He raised his head and replied "No, I want to find someone who I love for who they are and not because someone told me to" "me too" I reply sadly

"What if we pretend to be together" Aaron asks. I feel bad for Aaron, he's in the same situation I am. What he's thinking is ridicules though. I'm trying to not be controlled by our parents not give into them but when I look over at his face I realize that maybe they will leave me be if we pretend to be together. "Okay, but remember it's all pretend. I won't have sex with you, I won't make out with you and it's all for the public" I said to him sternly. "Of course Rose" he said laughing. "I have to get to school you should call Dominic" he continues putting the chair away. "Okay bye se you tonight" I said to him as he walks out and shuts the door. I walk over to my desk to grab my laptop and bring it with me back to bed. I hope he's not busy. It's around eight o'clock at night there so he won't be at school or anything but he might have his royal duties to deal with but I guess I will never know till I try. Waiting for him to answer or not felt like an eternity but within in three rings he picked up. "Hello, my beautiful. I haven't heard from you in a while. I was worried about you" he says sweetly. He looks the same as he did the last time I saw him with his shaggy blond hair falling on his face and his piercing green eyes. "How's the weather there" I ask with a wink. "You called to talk about the weather" he replied more as a statement then a question chuckling.

"Okay your right..." I start to get really serious. "This has been bothering me lately..." I continue. "Go on Rozia you can tell me anything" he says sincerely. "I want to know what color boxers are you wearing?" I ask dead serious. It takes him a minute but he soon starts to laugh uncontrollably while I try my best to keep a straight face on. "Dominic, I'm serious I want to know" I complain. "Blue" he breaths between laughs. "What color are your bra and panties then?" he asks sexily. "Dominic that's completely inappropriate" I say sternly before I burst out laughing.

"So it's okay for you to ask me those questions but I can't ask you?" he asks playfully after we regain our breaths from laughing. "Maybe" I tease him. "Actually there was something that happened here that I wanted to talk to you about" I ask him shyly. I have no idea how he will take the me and Aaron thing but I have a feeling that he won't like it considering that Dominic is really possessive of me when I am around guys. "Well...." I said quietly. He nods and looks at me to continue. "You know how my pare-" before I continue I hear a knock on Dominic's door. "Sorry Rozia, one minute?" He asks pleadingly. I nod with a small smile and he gets up to get the door. I tap my hands on the bed as I wait for Dominic to finish talking to whoever he is talking too. I'm assuming that he turned off the volume because I can't hear his conversation with whoever is at the door.

He's probable just talking to one of his family members, so he shouldn't take too long. Not to my surprise his gorgeous face and body comes back to the screen after a couple of minutes. "Sorry Rozia, I have to go deal with some stuff can you tell me later?" He asks sweetly. "Okay sure, I'll talk to you later then?" I reply a little disappointed. "Yeah bye love"

 "Bye" I said before I watch the computer screen goes black.


Sorry I haven't been updating regularly. I've been really busy.  hope your enjoying my book! :)




please !

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