Chapter 18

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The next morning when I and sapphire went downstairs for breakfast there was no one downstairs. “Where is everyone?” I asked sapphire as she got milk out from the fridge for her corn flakes. “They probable already left for work and school” she says shrugging.

“Yes at seven forty-five in the morning when school doesn’t start till nine” I say as I take a bit of my waffle with peanut butter.

“That’s disgusting you know” she says pointing to my food making a face.

“No it’s delicious” I say taking a bite “have you ever tried it?’

“Nope but I don’t plan on it”

“Your loss” I say rolling my eyes. Sapphire then comes to sit beside me at the table as we eat our breakfast together in comfortable silence. “You two ready?” a familiar voice says coming down the stairs.  Me and sapphire give each other confused look not knowing what’s happening; which seems to happen a lot around here. Now that I think about it most times thing happens before I know them. Like with the dance and the rouges and whatever’s happening with Sebastian and the other packs.
“For what?” sapphire says as Aaron and Tyson come into the kitchen. “We thought everyone was at school already?”

“We are going to take you guys to school” Tyson says to me but mainly sapphire. I can see the look of desire that sapphire is trying to hide on her face.

“It’s like fifteen minute walk I think were okay” I say

“Yeah we are going to walk with you” Aaron says. I and Aaron stare at each other neither of us wanting us to break eye contact first. Aaron tenses and his shoulders stiffen I can see that he doesn’t like it when I questioning his authority.

“Whatever” I mumble grabbing my school bag and heading out the door with sapphire following. There will be the ones having to deal with the dishes when we all get home.  Slipping on my heeled brown boot that go with my pink dress and a light jean jacket I leave the house with sapphire beside me and the boys trailing behind us. The weather is really nice its 26 which is really hot for here but the cool breeze feels great with the blazing sun on my back at we walk to school. Half way to school I somehow ended up walking with Aaron and Tyson walking with Sapphire a couple feet in front of us. Aaron eyes have this very mischievous look to them when I look over and his face looks content and kind of happy. None of us have said a word since we left the house, almost ten minutes ago.

“How are you okay with this?” I ask him flustered raising my hands.

“Okay with what?” he asks confused

“This…” I gesture towards us “us getting married when I turn nineteen, last time I checked you didn’t like me.”

  “When did I say that” he asks with curiosity giving me a side glance.

‘Well…. You never did but your actions have clearly said that you don’t”

“What actions?”

“GRRRR! Fine never mind” I stomp off as I hear him laugh behind me.

Last block of the day was gym. Mr. Snow was our gym teacher; he was ruthless when it came to class. He was six five and always carried a whistle around his neck even when we weren’t in class. Sometimes he would blow the thing in the hallways just to get people to get to class. You would think he would have blowed a kids ear drum by now or the teachers would have confiscated the darn thing but no they all act like its normal and ignore it.

“Okay everyone ten laps of the field” Mr. Snow yelled before he blows his whistle.  

“If he blows that stupid thing one more time I swear I’m going to punch him” I said frustrated to Mia as we start to jog the ten laps.

“Really? I dare you to” Mia says with sarcasm dripping from her voice. I sigh and start to sprint. While I am a couple feet ahead of Mia I turn around and stick my tongue out at her.  I see her laugh and start to sprint after me as I turn back around. Looking around I realize that me and Mia are at the front of the class and that the rest of the class is a least twenty feet behind us. Thinking about it the only person who can run as fast as me or faster than me when I run are Demetri. Lucas, Adrian, and Derek are almost as fast as me, we have raced multiple times and they always ends up being ten seconds behind me; to the exact second it’s kind of creepy.

“You can keep up with me?” I ask Mia as we slow our pace. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I? I’m surprised you can keep up with me” she says just as confused as me. “I don’t know just most people have not been able to keep up with me when I run” I reply. Before Mia can answer Mr. Snow whistle goes off and he yells “okay that’s enough everyone looks warmed up. Now everyone follow me outside” in his deep really loud voice. I look to Mia seeing if she knows the answer to why we are going outside. But she gives me the same look. The gym is at one of the ends pf the school so the outside is connected to a door in the gym. Following the teacher we all file through the light brown door and stand in front of the quiet forest. “Everyone shifts now” Mr. Snow yells. I can’t shift in front of all these people. What if they find out? What will happen to me? I walk up to Mr. Snow thinking of the best excuses. Everyone else clearly doesn’t want to defy him and slowly one by one the class starts to shift into their wolves.

 “Mr. Snow?” I ask in a incent voice. “Yes? Rose” he asks annoyed “I’m having period cramps can I go to the nurse’s office?” I say holding my stomach. “Oh… yes sure” he says awkwardly telling me to go. Best book in the trick with some male teachers. I’m not on my period until next Friday I think but Mr. Snow doesn’t have to know that. Some male teacher’s won’t care and say suck it up and others are totally fine with the matter then there are the ones like Mr. Snow who are totally awkward about it but it is perfect for teachers like him.

Walking back inside to the gym I go to the locker room to change back into my school uniform. “What was your excuse?” a voice says from behind the locker as I slip my shirt on my head.

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