Chapter 27

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Casually I take out my phone and go on it while I go to sit on the couch while my parents, Aaron and the Alpha are staring at me. "Can I help you?" I ask them looking up from my phone. "You said you would be home an hour ago" Aaron tells me angrily looking down upon me. "I was busy?" I ask more than answer. "Yeah with your fuck buddy" Justin says from the doorway of the room. "Shut up Justin" I yell at him. I don't need my parents knowing anything about Dominic. I only told Justin that to get him off my back but I thought he would keep quiet about it. "WHAT?" my mother shouts. "Ow" I cringe. "I think you just damaged my hearing"

"You've had sex? You're only sixteen. That is not acceptable" she uses a lot of hand gestures hoping to get her point across but they're not helping. Rob and the Alpha have very disappointing look on their face while Aaron just looks plan out confused. "But I thought you had-"Aaron speaks. "No!" I say a little too quickly for my liking so I try to cover it up and change the subject. "I mean if that's all I would like to get to bed now I have had a very long day and am very tired'

"No that is not all Aaron told us you got in trouble today" the Alpha tells me sternly. "Yeah what of it?" I start to tap my foot. "That's it Rosemary I've had enough sass from you today go to your room." Rob furiously says to me. "Okay, happily" I replied and began to make my way upstairs. As I am half way to my room and out of site from everyone in the living room I can't help but over hear my mom speak disappointedly "I thought that school was supposed help her"

I open my door Hoping sapphire's home so I can talk to her about what happened with Tyson. Sadly for me she's not here and I have no idea where she is. Maybe she will be loud enough when she gets home and we can talk then. Tiredly I get my PJ's from my dresser and walk to the bathroom across the hall to change and take off my makeup. Dragging myself back into my room I close the door behind me and fall on to the bed and let sleep take me away.

Surprisingly after I went to bed at five thirty I didn't wake up once, not even when sapphire came into to go to bed which is really weird because she is usually decently loud getting ready for bed. Hearing the birds chirp I look at my clock and see that it nine o'clock and sapphires not in her bed. It's still nicely made like she didn't even sleep in it last night. Weird; I wonder where she could be. Yawning and stretching my body out I roll out of bed. Now what to wear? Walking over to my dresser I look through all of clothes till I decide to wear light ripped jeans, a cream long-sleeved flowy shirt, a black infinity scarf, and black flats. Not knowing what to do with my hair I stare at it for a good five minutes before deciding to put half of it up in a waterfall braid and curl the rest. Breathing in and out I brace myself for his morning but I open my door to see people scrambling around. What's happening? No one told me anything was supposed happen today. Very cautiously I walk down the stairs trying to figure what's happening right now. Looking around I try to find someone that would know something. To my luck I see Tyson just leaving the Alpha's office. "Hey Tyson what happening?"

"What not one told you?" he asks and I just give him a blank look. "There are very important people coming to talk to us so you have to be on your best behavior" he continues before he quickly leaves like he's a man on a mission. "Who could be so important that people are acting this way?" I ask myself.

Well I'm just going to make breakfast then. I'm starving and I highly doubt whoever is coming will have anything to do with me. Everyone is rushing around and preparing for whoever is coming so I get the whole kitchen all to myself. Going to the fridge I take out three eggs, ham, and cheese to make myself an omelet. "Hey Rosie do you know what's happening?" sapphire asks me as I just put my omelet on my plate. "No idea and where have you been I wanted some gossip" grapping a fork and my plate I go to sit down at the kitchen table. "I was..." she starts but doesn't continue till I give her a look that tells her I'm waiting. "With Tyson"

"Like you slept in his room? Did you guys have sex?" I question her excitingly stopping all of my eating. "No" she tells me but her blushing totally gives off that they did. "You so did!" I laugh at her embarrassment. "I don't want any details about that because after all he is still my brother but did you guys figure everything else out?"

"Yeah were just going to take one step and day at a time and we will face problems as we face them" she happily answers. "I'm so happy for you saph, now were pretty much official sister" I laugh as I pull her in for a quick hug.

"Sapphire and Rose please make your way outside our guest have arrived and you're the only people who were not here to welcome them" the Alpha Tyler almost yells into mine and sapphires mind. Looking at Sapphire for an answer but all I get from her is shrug. "Okay then let's go meet the very important people" I say putting my hands up at air quotes when I say "important" walking out of the kitchen I can clearly see that me and sapphire are the only ones who are not outside to meet our guests. I open the front door with of a roll of my eyes and let sapphire go outside first. As I'm about to go through the door I hear sapphire take an intake of breath. "Saph who is it?"

Before I can even see who it is I am shoved to the ground by sapphire and she yells at me. "You're such a bitch, why didn't you tell me"

"Tell you what?" I ask her clearly not understand why I'm lying on the ground with her on top of me while the whole pack and our unknown guests are closely watching. "You're an idiot" she laughs at me playfully. "GIRLS! This is so disrespectful get up now" Alpha Tyler seriously yells at us. "Take a chill pill dad" sapphire tells her dad getting off me. I look at sapphire and silently tell her that I'm proud of her for sticking up to her dad. Turning me head I can see that Alpha Tyler is clearly not happy with the disrespect and stunt that I and Sapphire have just pulled. Holding her hand out sapphire helps me up. Looking at my parent I can see their faces of disappointment but I just brush it off because that was expected. Finally getting a good look at who our guests are I let out a very unattractive wheeze. "I didn't know" I told sapphire. "Sure you didn't" she giggles. "I'm serious" I laugh.

"ENOUGH!" the Alpha yells. "I'm very sorry about this. Their usually well behaved, I don't know what's happened to them right now" he turns to face the guests.

"That's okay teenage girls will be like that" an elegant female voice says. I can't believe I didn't know it was them. I should have been able to tell and put the pieces together. Looking from each of the seven faces I can tell their all really happy to see me and sapphire, especial the last person my eyes land on; my Mate.

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