Chapter 15

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For the next week school was absolute hell for me. Sapphire refused to do any pranks with me and threatened to go to her brother if I did anything. We would sit at the end of the head table in the cafeteria at lunch. We don’t socialize with the other side of the table. I and Mia have gotten really close, I have been over to her house two times since the first time I went over and I really like her family.  I have hanged out with Erik once and now we texted each other a lot, he’s a really good friend.

Me and sapphire Skype the royal family as promised but we do have to Skype them when no one was home so we wouldn’t have any questions from our family. It was so hard seeing everyone but not being able to actual be in London with them. Dominic and I have been having small conversations before I go to bed every night, it makes me feel like he is closer to me, not on the other side of the world. Just as my mother promised I had extra chores. Friday of last week I think was the worst day, she made me, Grace and Tyson go out with her and Robert, she called it “bonding day”. We went out for dinner and a movie that was about families and this bonding crap that I hate.

I also had to train with jack on Wednesday and Thursday which wasn’t that bad, it was kind of fun actually, but I couldn’t let my mom know that. It wasn’t till Tuesday the next week that all hell broke loose. It was in the morning and I was almost at my first class of the day when there was a huge commotion and everyone was running towards the other direction. I decided I could be late for class and started to make my way towards the crowd. I was led to a hallway and what I saw shocked me. Tyson was holding Erik against the wall by his neck. His feet weren’t touching the ground and his face was slowly getting redder and redder by the second.

“I told you to stop messing with my sister. You didn’t listen and now you will have to learn your place” I hear Tyson say.

“You should be more careful with the people you hang out with Rose” Aaron says as he comes out from the crowd. Tyson whips his head around and looks at me with surprise not expecting me to be here. “Rose you need to stop being around him and his disgusting pack” my brother said gesturing to Erik in disgust not letting him go. His eyes are getting blacker and blacker by the second.

“Thanks for worrying about me, but you have 10 seconds to let him go” I say in a mischievous tone.

“Ten” no one moved a muscle. A lot of breaths were being held.

“Nine” everyone kept looking between Tyson, Aaron, and me.

“Eight” Aaron looked towards his friends

“Seven” Aaron motioned his head towards me.

“Six” some of his friends stepped forward and I knew they were planning on holding me back.

“Five” I smirked. They won’t be able to even touch me.

“Four” my voice got more deadly but one of the guys took a step forward.

“Three” all of the guys rushed towards me but I avoided them and only got closer to Tyson and Erik.

“Two” everyone was looking at me in shock and Aaron nodded his head at my brother motioning for him to let Erik down. Erik was on his knees and gasping for breath. “I may be in your stupid pack but don’t expect me to be loyal to it” I spat at Aaron as I left the hallway with Erik. “Thanks Rosie but you didn’t have to do that, actually you really shouldn’t have done that” Erik said as we left down the hall. “Well if I didn’t you could have been beaten up or worse” I said giving him a serious look. Tyson will be beta and even though Erik is strong he wouldn’t have beaten him. “I could have handled myself, thank you very much”

“yeah because you could have easily beaten an beta” I said with sarcasm dripping from my voice. “Well, you never know and Tyson is not beta yet, not till he’s 25 or if your step father dies.” He says as we stop in front of my math class. “Yeah yeah” I mumble. We spend first period siting under a tree out at the front of the school until he walked me to second period. “I will text you later” I say as I walk into my math class and sat down in the back of the class. As class goes by I don’t pay any attention and stare out the window.

After I get my food from the cafeteria I notice that Mia sitting at one of the tables. For the time that I have known Mia I have never seen her in the cafeteria. She told me that she spends most of her free time at the library. I walk over to my normal seating spot and see sapphire “hey saph, do you want to come and sit with me and Mia?” I ask standing beside her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea Rose” she says turning to face me. “Okay well I am going to sit with her but if you want to sit here all lonesome, then go ahead” I said before I turn across the cafeteria to sit with Mia. “Hey Mia” I say sitting beside her. “Why are you sitting with me Rose, people are staring at you” she asks nervously “yeah, I figured” I say taking a bite of my chicken wrap.

I hear someone sit beside me and I already know who it is. “I knew you would come over” I say with a smile. “Yeah well, I didn’t want to be a loner” she says in a matter of fact voice and a smile. “I don’t know if you guys have meet but, Mia this is sapphire, and saph this is Mia” I say introducing them. They mumble there “HI’s” and we keep eating.  “Why are you guys over here anyway” Mia asks me and sapphire. “I saw you sitting alone and though you would want some company and sapphire didn’t want to sit by herself at the table with our siblings” I reply “I hope you don’t get in trouble” she says as she plays with her bangs. “Yeah. I guess” I mumble even though I know they both heard me. 

As the bell goes me, Saph and Mia all head to our last two blocks.


This is one of my favorite chapters i wrote. i hope you guys enjoy reading it!




Bloody Roseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें