Chapter 23

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"Come on ladies the males are waiting and you're going to be late" my mother yells sternly from the bottom of the stairs. Rolling my eyes at my mom even though she can't see me I Look over to sapphire and a small smile crosses my face and say "you look beautiful Saph" sapphire has on a one shoulder floor length teal dress that looks so pretty on her. I'm not surprised that my mom and Luna Samantha just happen to have really fancy dress in their closets. After my talk with Dominic I ended up setting on my bed reading until sapphire came home from school and made me tell her what happened with Aaron. She said she noticed he wasn't at school at lunch and asked Tyson and told her that he went to check up on me. When sapphire told me she asked Tyson I was really surprised I guess they have some sort of understanding now and are talking which is good.

"You look just as beautiful Rose" she says before looking me over once. I have on a purple strapless dress that is floor length and has sparkles on the chest area. "Shall we go?" I ask with fake enthusiastic gesturing for the door. "Yup" she replies heading towards the door. I have to say Tyson and Aaron both look very handsome in their tuxes. Not as handsome as Dominic but it's really tough to be as handsome as he is. "Hurry up girls come take some pictures before you leave" Samantha says as her and Alpha Tyler stand with my parents at the door with the boys waiting for us. "Were coming" sapphire says. Reluctantly she moves to stand at least a foot away from Tyson, I do the same but I stand in the middle of the two boys. "Sapphire you're going to have to move closer in if you want to be in the photo" her mom says a bit annoyed. "Well that's good because I don't really want to be in the photo" sapphire mumbles quietly so only I and the boys can understand her. "Pardon" her dad asks. "Nothing!" she says with fake enthusiastic moving closer to Tyson so she is almost in front of him. "Boys put your arms around the girls" my mother says really happily. The boys do as their told and after a few hundred pictures we are all piled in the car on our way to the dance. Aaron drives so I and he are in the front and Sapphire and Tyson are in the back both looking out the window beside them. I and Aaron make small talk on the short drive to dance.

By the time we get to the dance it's already eight o'clock and it looks really packed with people. "Are you ready?" Aaron asks me smiling holding out his arm. "Yup" I reply after taking a deep breath and his hand. The school decided that they didn't want to spend money on a place to rent for the dance so they just had it in our school gym. I have to say though; they did a really amazing job. There was lights roaming everywhere in the gym flashing moving and making a really cool effect. They were a DJ at one end of the gym. The DJ didn't look much older than our age and played really good music surprisingly. Almost right in the front of the DJ there was a huge group of people dancing and grinding on each other. At the back end of the gym opposite from the DJ there were tables and a buffet. "Would you like to dance Rose?" Aaron asked as he put his hand out and faced me. "Sure" I reply happily trying to make a new start with Aaron as I take his hand. Aaron gently pulls me to the dance floor saying hi into people on the way. Through the next, I don't know how long me and Aaron dance the night away grinding, slow dancing, and dancing with each other. Even though it is a little weird that I and Aaron are dancing together I find a way to forget about Dominic, my parents, and London while we are at the dance.

Me and Aaron take a break after a while and sit at a table with sapphire and Tyson. "I saw you and Aaron dancing" sapphire whispers to me as a statement rather than a question. "yeah, me and him have talked to each other and made a deal" I reply as I lean over to sapphire so the boys don't overhear us even though they are both very occupied with their conversation with each other. "A deal? This doesn't sound good" she says "yeah, we are going to pretend to be together for our families" "but you were just saying that you don't want to be controlled by them and how you were getting mad at me for giving into them" sapphire angrily as she starts to raise her voice. "Well I felt bad for him and maybe they will leave me alone if I do this and then I can slowly ease them into me and him not being together" "fine then! Do what you want" she says going back to her food.

"How was the dance?" my mother asked us as me, Aaron, Tyson, and sapphire slowly make our way inside the house. "Great!" I reply with a smile as everyone else mumbles "fine" "well I'm glad at least one of you enjoyed it" alpha Tyler said. "Well I'm beat so I'm going to bed night" I said while yawning. Aaron, Tyson, and sapphire all mumbled their "Me too's" and we all go upstairs to bed.


Sorry for the short update!




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