This is a Goodbye

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Today is the second day of our vacation in Australia. The thing I like and dislike about it, it's hot. But one of the things I like about it is I get to see my beautiful boyfriend shirtless , so I can't really complain. The vacation felt much needed after the thing with the bank. We had a lovely date and were currently just laying in bed. Harry was already half asleep, I was wide awake. Like in the most nights through the last week. Whenever he's not around my mind just has one clear thought, and that's the letter I got .

So that's your boy ? Understandable. Don't think he's safe just cause he's yours. Now that we know him , I don't think playing a bit will be wrong , right?


I was always concerned about his safety but this just doubled it. I thought for a long time about how I could keep him safe. I mean I couldn't just go like  well you see babe I'm actually a big part of the British mafia , so now your life is in danger cause a other part knows how you look. I'll give you a bodyguard don't worry... yeah, that would surely work . I already gave Niall the job for when ever I'm not there to look after him. But I couldn't continue this. So I made my decision.

Me and Harry were talking about what we would do tomorrow when he fell asleep. When I was sure he was asleep I took out the letter for probably the 100th time and read it , looking for a other way out... There's non... Well shit. I took a pen and a blank paper. Quietly I snuck into the living room. I sat on the small desk in the corner of the room. The only light from the lamp on the edge of it. I got a idea and started writing.

D9nt s3@rch f9r m3. Y97 @r3 s@v3 n9w! T@k3 c@r3  8 L9v3 y97 !

(A/N : Don't attack me please I have no idea what I just did )

I took the paper with me and placed it on my side of the bed, on the pillow. For the last time I sat there and looked at him. Harry looked so content and happy. And so cute. I didn't know a person could look this cute while sleeping. I reached up slowly, caressing his face. Mesmerising every detail, how his eyelashes were, his jaw and his lips. I ran my fingers up to his hair and lightly ruffled through his curls. Harry was just beautiful, I hated leaving him like this. But i couldn't bear to see him cry if I had told him. Before I chickened out I stood up  and walked over to the closet.

I opened the doors and took out the suitcase I never unpacked. Slowly I walked over to Harry and kissed his head. With one last glance I turned around,took my suitcase and left my beautiful boy behind. Of course I could have stayed but it would have been selfish of me to risk his life. I closed the front door behind me, the cold night air waking me up a bit and walked to the car, inside was Jade already waiting for me.

"How- "

"I just left the love of life behind so don't fucking ask how I am."

"Alrig- "

"Don't. Talk. To. Me."

She nodded curtly and stared driving. It was nothing against her, I just couldn't believe what I've gotten myself into , one different decision when I was eighteen and I could stay with Harry forever. I was too young to know what would wait for me in the future, I couldn't know I'll have everything. I already missed my baby and wished I could just turn around. But his safety is more important than my feelings. He'll find the perfect person for him , maybe Zayn ? They are best friends, they would probably have a great relationship.

Not gonna lie , my heart shattered at the thought of Harry with someone else but that's how it will turn out . As long as he's happy and they treat him right. Lost in my thoughts I fell asleep the first time a good sleep after weeks of very light or non sleep. The next thing I knew was , the sun was up and we were in our house in London, far away from the flat me and Harry used to live in. Half of us were still in Glasgow, Dom wanted to go there so bad and why should they have to be here when I had some days off as well? That would be unfair. They would be here tomorrow but for now it was just Me, jade , Toby , Tyler ,Ashe , Perrie , Tom 2 and Niall.

Since we aren't complete we can't start planning on our newest idea. So the day went by with the others having fun and me mopping around. What was I supposed to do ? Be happy? I just left the love of my life, my boy , the man I saw myself have a family with behind because some stupid shits think they can mess with me. Unbelievable. At least I would never have to leave these idiots they were like family to me. It all started with me, Ashe, Niall and Liam. We picked up the others along the way , the newest were Tyler and Halsey. They were here for a year now or something.

Tomorrow came around and I woke up. Opening my eyes, I screamed and scooted out if my bed when I met Dom's eyes, already watching me while laying next to me. Smiling he sat up. I sat down again and held my hand on my chest, trying to breath  normally again.

"How are you ?" Dom stood up and looked at me awaiting.

"Piss off." I groaned, shoving my face into the pillow.

"No !" He was always happy. And in the next minute he was clinging to me like a Koala.

I just groaned in response and he sighed happily. Dom was the ball of happiness in the group. Always smiling and searching for cuddles.But then while missions he had the control over hostages better than anybody else in the group. When he came to us he wasn't like this but we all were each other's family so he changed pretty fast.

"I missed you bro ." Mumbled Dom and I sat up.

"Missed you too puffle." I answered, ruffling through his hair.

He left my room a few minutes later and I walked into the bathroom, showering and brushing my teeth.

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