Dusk till Dawn

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[Harrys pov ]

After Louis left I was still standing against the closet, letting what ever just happened replay in my head. I didn't move , open my eyes or do anything other than thinking about what happened. I could still fell his hands on me and his voice in my head. This was so unreal, I thought I would never see him again. Slowly I opened my eyes and walked to the bathroom and splashed water in my face. I needed to calm down cause to say I was still turned on would be a understatement. When I looked into to mirror, I turned my head to the side. There was it , a love bite as a proof that he was here.

If everything would still be the way it used to be , I would walk around with this visible for weeks. Not because it wouldn't fade ,but because the minute it would start to fade he would make a new over it . And if I would ask why he would answer "just marking up what's mine" . I shook my head , trying to get rid of my thoughts and walked into the room again. On the floor were all the papers I put there.

I sat down in the middle of the room again and started sorting out my notes and put them on stacks. When I finished I just laid down, in the middle of the room. Call me dramatic but doing that while listening to music felt really good. I didn't even notice when I fell asleep. The sun was shining and I blinked my eyes open slowly. When I looked at the time I gasped , I slept a few hours. Zayn was probably worried sick.

I packed up my stuff and left the flat. When I was finally in front of Zayns flat, I knocked carefully. I forgot the keys and was ready to listen to his speech. When the door opened Zayn looked 95% annoyed and 5% relived. I walked inside and Zayn walked away after saying

"I give up ."

I felt bad, I didn't mean to make him worry or anything that happened. I didn't mean to run into Louis and I really wish I wouldn't have been this affected. The moment was just so overwhelming after not knowing if he is okay.


I should have asked him about the mask and what I found not make out with him. What is wrong with me ? I'm so dumb why am I like this ?

I went to bed and fell asleep easily. I dreamt what happened with him over and over again. The next morning I woke with a "problem" . I had two options what to do now but settled for a cold shower. Effective in more than on way . Freshly showered, I went to the kitchen. I made breakfast to make Zayn forgive me , it always worked.

Carefully I knocked on his door , when I got no answer, I went inside. Zayn was still sleeping but he had to do something today so I woke him up .I shook his shoulders lightly, he grumbled something and turned around.

"No c'mon Zayn, you have to wake up. I already made you breakfast." I said , tugging at his sheets.

"I'm a vampire get away!" Answered Zayn and hid under the sheets.

"No , we've been over this already" I said and laughed " you are not a vampire and yes you have to get up now."

Zayn growled but took the plate next to him. I walked out again, knowing I had to wake him up in 30 minutes again. He always did that , he ate , put the plate away and fell asleep again.

I did the dishes and went to Zayns room again. He was asleep again , what else. I pushed the curtains away and the room light up in sunlight.

"Wakey wakey sunshine!" I said and made my way out again.

"Fuck you." Grumbled Zayn and threw a pillow that hit my back.

I laughed and left the room, he would stand up now. 10 minutes later Zayn was running through the apartment to get to whatever appointment he had to go. I was eating and watching him, I had already helped him. When he he was outside I turned on the tv on a random show to make the apartment less quiet. While I was cleaning through all the rooms , I thought a lot. Like how Louis had a big secret, how I've never noticed and how I should find out more.

When I was done , I had a plan. A plan how to find out what was going on and why . It will be dangerous but definitely worth it. After three hours came Zayn back . I told him to come to me cause I wanted to tell him my plan.

"Woah !" Zayn starred at my neck "what kind of mosquito attacked you ?"

"Noting!" I said and put my hand over the bruise. He just laughed.

" So what's going on Haz ? "

"I want to quit my job." Zayn looked at me as if I'd be crazy.

"You want to do what ?!"

" Quit my job..." I repeated slowly.

"Why would you do that ?"

" I have to find out more that whole blue gang thing."

"Are you OUT OF YOUR MIND ?!"

"Zayn calm down , I will do that no matter what you think about it." I said annoyed.

" Haz c'mon, I'm just worried . That's dangerous ,I don't want you to get hurt ."

"I will be okay Zayn , but I won't see you for a longer time ." I said with a frown and Zayn laughed. "Why are you laughing?"

"Did you think I would let you do that alone ? No absolutely not. I'm coming with you."

"No Zayn I don't want you to be in danger ."

"Then don't go , if you do I'll be doing it with you. "

"You were serious when you said I won't get rid of you easy , weren't you ?"  I said laughing a bit.

"Of course." Said Zayn , doing a hair flip with imaginary long hair.

The same evening we both quit our jobs. We still had a few days before we started so we decided to go to the museum in two days. I was excited to see the crown.

/Two days skip/

We were standing in the middle of the museum when a gunshot was heard and people started screaming.

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