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"Small Little Loulou."

And that was the exact moment I was ready to attack Niall. He started running and I was chasing after him. That little leprechaun deserved it . How dare he to call me small , he wasn't taller than me. Niall was laughing, standing on the other end of the table .

"This was your last day on earth Young Nialler." I said , he laughed more.

"Kids , Kids . What happened?" Asked Tom 1 , pushing me to the floor. I sat down pouting .

"Niall called me small."

"Niall ?"

"I didn't, he is lying. " said Niall and I gasped .

"Who are you calling a liar Horan ?"

"Okay, Niall go Into your room and Louis ...do whatever. Why am I even still working for you ?" Complained Tom 1 , making all of us laugh.

Then my phone rang , sending me a reminder for our guests in the basement.

"I gotta go , bye ." I said and made my way downstairs.

I shot the three guys and left again, telling Tom 2 to take care of the bodies .

/time skip to the next day /

"Somebody's missing ." I said frowning.

"What do you mean ?" Asked Liam.

"Two people aren't here."

"Yes , Rico got shot and Lara ran away cause she was scared." Said Jesy unimpressed.

"He did ? When ?"

"Just before we left ."

"Oh ... I liked him."

"Well .... we have new people who want to be with us through."

"Again?" I was a bit shocked , why do people want to do that ?

"Yes , Dom is looking at them right now." I just nodded and went to my room.

I don't know why but I was pretty tired and feel asleep fast . Call me cold , but I didn't really care or was shocked that Rico was dead. He was with us for a few days , he was just at the start. We didn't really know him.

Somehow my dreams always included Harry. Most times it weren't good dreams but at least I saw him like this. I slept for two hours and went to the others again. Dom was there as well so I asked about the newbies.

"How were they ?"

"Two snacks I'm telling you." Said Dom and laughed .

" Good but I meant if they fit in this team." I said and Chuckled.

" Yes , they will fit perfectly. One is cooking and could find people ,maybe even help with robbing. The other one is running fast and good at fighting. They could definitely be helpful."

"So only two this time ?"

"Yep." He said , popping the p.

"Explain the snack thing ." Said Tyler and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Well , one is tall and the other one is a bit taller than Louis . Green eyes and brown eyes . Brown curls and black straight hair. "

"Mhm .... Yeah sounds like two snacks."

"A snack that can cook ? Is he a cannibal ?" Asked Ashe and laughed .

"Well they could always ea-" started Dom but I cut him off.

"Who corrupted you like this ? What happened to the innocent little baby?" I asked fake crying on the table .

"That baby got -"

"Geez , babes . What is going on today ?" Asked Perrie.

" Do you really want to know ?" Asked Dom and made a face at her.

"No I really don't." She said and we all laughed.

"So when are these two snacks coming then ? And I mean here not what you think you little shit." I said , making Dom pout.

" Tomorrow."

" Can I take the one with me to the weapons? " Asked Tom 1 pleading.

"Sure just don't break him , we don't need somebody like Lara ." They all agreed.

Tomorrow came around faster than expected and I was walking down the stairs. I saw Ashe , Niall and Liam whispering.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Uhm ... Nothing." Said Liam .

"Sure " I said suspiciously" where are the newbies?"

"One is with Tom 1 and the other one is cooking in the kitchen ." I nodded and went to the kitchen .

At first I didn't see anybody, but then the "snack" came out of the storage room . Making me stop in my tracks . It was not possible. No way . The man looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Hey ." Harry said annoyed.

"What are you doing here ?"

"I'm cooking." He said ,disinterest clearly on his face .

"You are a teacher for fucks sake. " I said in disbelief.

"You're a liar and I don't scream it in your face either now , do I ? ." He turned around and left the kitchen.

I was left speechless, what just happened? Last time we saw eachother everything was fine . And now he was mad ? Okay I had a few secrets but I'm not the one just showing up where he wouldn't expect me.

How was he even talking? I was his boss now right? After I stood there , I finally got myself together and went after him. I knew where his room was . Angrily I knocked on his door.

"Oh you ." He said and turned around.

"Excuse me ?" I said and walked in after him .

"Mhm ? "

"What are you doing here ?!"

"Helping, what are you doing here ?"

"I'm the boss -"

" Ohhh , so that's what was up with everything?"

Before I could respond , Zayn walked in . He didn't notice me at first and went to Harry. Harry looked at him and Zayn turned around, glaring at me.

"You coward!" He took a few steps towards me but Harry held his arm.

"Oi watch your mouth ." I said ,not moving from my spot.

"No ,you are better thankful I didn't rip your head off when you left my best friend over night . You better be thankful that Harry held me there !" Said Zayn furiously.

I looked behind Zayn but Harry had left the room . Well time to tell somebody what's going on.

" I only left him to protect him , you know I love him more than anything!"

"If you would have loved him you could have protected him while staying with him." He said , disappointment clear in his voice.

"I'm sorry, if there would have been the chance I would have fucking done that . But there wasn't."

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