I'm gonna show you crazy

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After about half an hour me and Perrie walked downstairs and listened behind the door. They were talking, discussing how to escape.

"Do you think we can just make a run for it ?"

"How dumb are you ? Like seriously is nothing inside of there ? "

"Shut up !"

"Kids ,Kids . Stop fighting. We can't just run , this house is full of guns. They would kill us in the matter of seconds. "

"So what do we do ?"

I pushed open the door, The look on their faces was priceless. Pure shock and fear. Perrie closed the door after going inside as well and locked it. We pulled two chairs from a corner and sat down. The three man still standing.

"Lads , why making a run ? " I asked curiously, making a run for it was the worst thing to do.

"Y - you w-won't kill us ?" Asked one , voice filled with fear.

"Oh no , I'm giving you a chance , Jake ? Jacob? Never mind ,I don't even care... So the chance ,pay me back. "

"But we don't have the money for that ." Said the one who doesn't have a twin , so that's Sam I assume.

"Then you have to get money sweetie."

"I - I can't."

"Great , what about the two of you?"

They shook their heads a no and walked back a bit. I stood up , lighting up a cigarette. Taking a drag , feeling it filling my lungs and breathing out again.

"Now ,sit down ."

None of them moved so I repeated the same sentence, a bit more demanding. They didn't even go to the chairs , they just sat down on the floor. I laughed at how afraid they were. I walked to them . Stopping in front of every single one of them. Looking at them closely.

"Oh boys what did you get yourselves into?" I shook my head , sounding like a mum scolding her child.

"Sit on the chairs again and don't.you.dare.to.move."

They sat down in the chairs and Perrie tied their hands , legs and upper body's on it. I walked back , looking at what we had , knives , guns , ropes and ... what even are those? I don't care. I took the knives, three different types.

"Let's play a game."

I said excited, I walked back and stood in front of them. They looked at me weirdly. Just because I'm in a gang doesn't mean I don't like fun. I held the knives behind my back , having them pointing in different directions.

"You all pick 1,2 or 3 ."

"1." Said Sam , jake said 2 and Jacob took 3. I put the knives down I front of them. They looked at me with wide eyes. I took knife one and went to Sam.

"Sam , I have never heard of you , how come you take the first time drugs and get into this mess ?" Slowly I put the knife down on his hand. Just keeping it there, drawing circles with it but not that it hurt him. When he didn't answer I pressed it down a bit , leaving a print. A small smile crossed my face.

Changing my plan , I sat down I front of him. Sam started smirking. Oh poor, poor naive Sam thinks he will get something pleasurable. I cut open his trousers at the end , up to the knees. His smirk slowly vanishing away when I put the blade on his leg. One fast motion and he was hissing, cursing under his breath. A bit of blood dripping out of a small cut.

Satisfied I stood up and walked back to Perrie, we left the room and I left the three guys for the others to do whatever. But only with the knives. So when I came back to them two days later they looked pretty damaged.

"So , is one of you ready to pay ?"

"You fucker." Pressed Sam out.

"Tsk ,don't waste your breath on me , you'll need what you have left faster then you think."

"I hope your boyfriend d- "

The things hostages say , normally never bothered me. They don't know shit. But who drags him in there really choose the wrong to mess with. In a quick motion flew one of the knives across the room. Nearly brushing Jacobs head, I turned around holding another.

"You hope what ?"

A look of fear crossed his face and he didn't answer. Neither did the others. A smug smile made its way on my face and I chuckled, walking out , mumbling a 'thought so' on my way out. The minute I was in the living room , came Halsey rushing towards me.

"Put on shoes ! We have to go to the hospital!"

"What ?! Why ? With who ?" I asked , already on my feet and on my way.

"Harry , he got poisoned. He's in the hospital. "

I moved even faster , everything felt like slow motion trough. My baby . My head started spinning but I paid no attention to it. I needed to get there as fast as possible, I should keep a distance ,I know but I need to make sure he's alright. I rushed to the passenger seat , and maybe me and Halsey broke a few speed limits but this was a emergency.

I jumped out of the car when she stopped the car in front of the hospital. Inside, I walked to the women behind the desk with big letters, saying 'information' over it. She looked up and greeted me .

"Yeah , Hello . Where is Harry styles ?"

"Name and the relation to the patient please ? "

"Louis Tomlinson, boyfriend."

She tapped on her computer, after what felt like hours she told me which room he's in. In a hurry I made my way to room 280 . When I stood in front of it , I stopped for a second . I was scared how he would be and what happened. With a bit shaking hands opened the door.

In the middle of the room , was he laying in a hospital bed. Looking asleep. Quietly I made my way to his bed , lightly caressing his face my my hand. Harry turned his head towards me and opened one eye , squeezing the other more together. He let out a giggle, tapping his finger on my face and giggling again. Seems like he's high in the medication.

"How's my baby feeling?" I whispered quietly, smiling fondly at him.

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