A little less conversation

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After a while my phone rang and I was tempted to let it ring but picked up anyway.


"You have to come back ." Rushed Liam .

"Calm down , what's wrong ?" I asked , already on my way back to the car.

"Silver answered but they didn't just send a letter , they were here. In the house."

"When ?!" I walked faster.

"After you left ."

"Are Harry and Halsey okay?"

"Yes , they locked themselves in the special room for that."

"Anything else ?"

"Harry is really scared ." Sighed Liam, thinking back I  could imagine how he was right now which made me walk even faster. Even if he wouldn't let me help , I needed to be there with him .

"I'm trying to be home in the next two hours."

"Okay but be careful ."


I hung up and could see my car already. I drove back as fast as possible and was back in one and a half hour . I hurried into the house , meeting Halsey on the way to Harrys room.

"Are you okay?" I asked .

"Yes , I'm fine. Go to Harry ." She said and I nodded, going to his room.

I walked inside and squatted down next to the bed. Harry opened his eyes and looked at me. When he saw it was me , he hugged me , taking me by surprise. I fell back onto the floor and he went with me. Liam left the room which left us alone. Harry was still hugging me and I didn't plan on being the first to let go. I didn't know if it was just from what had happened or if more was behind but at the moment was the only thing that mattered , the well-being of the boy in my arms.

"You're okay darling." I said quietly, pulling him even closer. Harry didn't answer. Only after a few minutes his grip losend a bit but he didn't let go.

"Why were they here and who were they ?" He asked slowly.

"They are silvers and they were bringing a new message, but it's good that you and Halsey locked yourself in there." I said , kissing his head.

"Are you gonna leave again?" He asked and I was still a bit speechless by the vulnerability he was showing me right now , the complete opposite of earlier today and the last few days . But I wasn't complaining.

"No , I'm gonna stay here ."

"Can you promise?"

"I..... I promise." I sighed quietly. I couldn't be a 100% sure but I didn't know why I should leave and if I wouldn't make this promise he would be more hurt than he already was. Harry relaxed in my arms and fell asleep soon after. I put him in his bed and went to my room , looking at the letter silver left.

Blue ,
I don't know how often I have to tell you ,
but you're playing with fire right now.
Be careful before you get burned .
Remember Lara ? Short , blond , blue eyes ?
Ran away because she was "scared" . Rings any bells ?
Well I'm glad you met my fiancée . I have a lot of new information and
I can't wait to use them.
- silver

"This fucker !" I exclaimed.

"What's wrong ?" Asked Liam , poking his head inside .

"Lara wasn't scared , she is silver's fucking fiancée."

"Now way ?! " he said .

"Call them into the room , we have plans to do ." Liam nodded and went to tell them all.


After the "meeting " Tom 1 and Ashe started cooking and I went to wake Harry .

"Wake up babe ." I said quietly, combing my fingers through his hair.

"What time is it ?"

"7 p.m." He got up and we walked downstairs.

"Hey Lou , why does non of the other groups just call the police and tells them informations about others ?" Asked Harry .

"To know the location of a group you have to be in one and then you are just shooting your own leg if you call the police."

"What about ex -members ?"

"Most likely dead." I said and his eyes widened.

"Okay then."

The rest of the evening was quite and everybody minded their own business. It was in the middle of the night and here I was , pacing back and forth cause I couldn't sleep . Silver had such a advantage right now , it was driving me crazy. All I could do was wait for his next move and that was scary . I couldn't do anything about it . Another letter would just make him angrier and put the next person in greater danger. I read the letter over and over again but there was not a single hint about what was gonna happen.

I just knew I had to protect Harry at all costs . He wasn't the one who silver had a problem with and ,I don't even know what silvers problem is, it's not fair to drag him into this. Somebody knocked on the door and walked inside.

"Why are you still awake  babe ?" I asked as Harry walked toward my bed and plopped down.

"I could ask you the same ."

"Yes but I asked you first ."

"I couldn't sleep , what's your explanation?" He asked , laying as if I would tell him the best gossip ever.

"Couldn't sleep." I replied smugly .

"Think of your own excuses mister ." Said Harry , throwing a pillow .

"I'm just stressed." I sighed .

"Why that ? Do you want to talk about it love ?" He asked me sitting up.

"Don't worry about it ." I said , kissing his head as I waked past him. He hummed in content .

"Why don't you relief stress then ?"

"Where should I do that ?" I asked , raising my eyebrows.

"You have a whole training room ." He said in a duh - tone.

"Yes but I can tell you from experience that working out to relief stress , is not as helpful in real life as it looks like in movies ." I chuckled.

"Take it out on a Person." He said with a glint in his eyes.

"I don't think I should scream at a person all my anger babe but tha-"

"Who says you have scream because of anger ?"

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