We'll be alright

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In the middle of the night they went to the airport . As the suitcase with the painting went through safety check, went the alarm off and security got suspicious. Harry and a few others got nervous but to their surprise nobody found something. After they had landed and drove home again it was nearly midnight. At home was Tom 1 already waiting for them with a letter.

"Who send this ?" Asked Louis, looking at the letter unsure.

"I don't know but I haven't opened it, maybe it has a signature inside." Answered Tom 1.

Louis opened the letter, surprised as he saw who had sent it.

Dear Blue,

I wasn't planning to ask for your help and I wouldn't but this is important. This might be the last time I'll be able to ask for help and my last chance to protect somebody. I need to you to go to and get Penelope and Levi for me. They are my children but I was forced to give them away. Whoever is trying to get me knows about them. They don't know about any of this but I used to visit them every month. I'll try to take them to me if it's safe but it's not likely that I'll make it out alive. Follow the directions and ask for  Prue, she'll make sure everything goes as planned. Please take care of them .

L. Silver

This was definitely serious, there was no way that this was a trap. On the back of the paper were directions, most likely leading to the kids. Although it seemed weird, Louis didn't hesitate for a second or think about not helping her. Maybe there was more to her story that he didn't know and hopefully she'd be able to tell him one day.

Harry and Louis were on the way to get the children. They were alone on purpose, hoping to convince the other people working there that they were a normal couple. After a long late night talk they decided to get to know the two kids first before deciding what they'd tell them.

Glancing at eachother a last time, taking a deep breath they pushed open the heavy doors. A friendly looking man was sitting at a desk, looking up as the door opened.

"Hello, how can I help you ?" He asked smiling.

"We're here to adopt a kid." Replied Harry.

" One second please. " He said, turning to the computer in front of him. "You're not in here as visitors, have you talked to somebody here before coming in ?"

"Yes, we've spoken to a woman called Prue I think ." Lied Harry.

"I'll just ask her if she forgot to put you in here. " Said the man, typing numbers into a phone.

"Prue, here are two men. They said they talked to you. Did you know they were coming today? "


"Why didn't you put their names into the computer?"


"Alright, I'll tell them."

He put the phone down.

"Prue will be with you soon, take a seat on the left side ." They nodded, doing as told.

A few minutes later came a woman inside. Short black hair, blue eyes and a smile playing on her lips.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Prue. " She introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Harry and this is my husband Louis ." She nodded and they started walking towards a new room. An office. She closed the door behind them.

"You're blue ? " She asked curiously.

"Yes, Lara send us a letter. We are here to keep Levi and Penelope safe. " Answered Louis.

"Did she tell you anything about them ?" As they both shook their heads she continued "Penelope is 15 and Levi is 7. Lara visited them every month, she wished she could have kept them but somebody forced her to give them away. She always made sure that they were okay.  Do you want to meet them ?"


They walked through a long hallway, meeting other people working on the way. A few kids ran past them as well. Prue stopped at one of the last doors in the hallway, knocking on the door. Seconds later was the door opened by a boy. He had freckles on his face, black hair and a interested look on his face. Behind him appeard a girl, looking similar. Long black hair and freckles.

"C'mon you have visitors. " Said Prue, which seemed to be enough for them. They followed back into the office. Prue left them alone for a bit.

"Are you the guys mum told me about ?" Asked the girl .

"I don't know, what did she tell you ?" Questioned Louis, instead of answer she looked at her little brother. Harry understood immediately.

"Hey Levi, can you show me around a bit ?" Asked Harry the little boy.

"Of course and I can show you all my dinosaurs ." He said as the two left the room.

"She said that she probably won't be able to visit for a little bit but she would send two men to take care of us. I think she called one blue. "

"Yes, we're here to keep you two safe. Is it okay that the two of you will live with us for a while ? I promise there are going to be more people, we live in a big house so you'll always have someone to talk to and you won't live alone with us. " He explained after seeing her unsure face.

"My mum trusted you, so I guess it's fine." She muttered.

"You don't have to. If you don't want to, Harry and I are going to visit you. It's fine, we'll do what you're most comfortable with."

"What if I'd rather be here after a week of living with you ?" She was clearly having doubts.

"Then we'll bring you here and visit you instead. " He promised.

His answer seemed to calm her a bit and she agreed to live with them. Harry and Levi came back a few minutes later. Prue brought them a few things to sign and they helped the kids pack their stuff. Louis just hopped that Lara would at least be able to see her kids one last time, if only to say Goodbye....

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