I feel the power

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As the the last few sun rays had disappeared and the top of the highest tower was hidden by a thick layer of fog, they started. The castle was silent, almost too silent if they didn't know it any better. They split off into groups

1 Louis, Harry, Jesy

2 Jade, Ashe, Dom

3 Perrie, Tyler, Tom2

4 Halsey, Leigh Anne, Tom 1

5 Liam, Niall, Zayn, Cole

For the first time  a big house and garden was their advantage. Another advantage was ,of course the surprise of their attack.Liam, Niall, Zayn and Cole went in first since they were the biggest group. They went through the main entrance, making their arrival obvious. Jade, Ashe and Dom approached the caste like house from behind and went for the three windows on the highest floor. Halsey, Leigh Anne and Tom 1 climbed up onto the balcony of the first floor in the left tower. Perrie, Tyler and Tom 2 split off in the garden and hid there. Louis, Harry and Jesy stayed outside and waited for updates and being told which group needed them.

The noises from the fight in the main entrance died down and silence took over again. The first people were defeated but they knew the rest would be hiding in hopes of surprising them. At first the windows on the highest floor broke and the sound of shattering glass echoed in the silence. Using Jade, Ashe and Dom as a distraction Halsey opened the door of the balcony. No one was the in the room so they went through the next door and fought against three men who were hiding behind a wall. Around ten people ran into the garden, trying to escape but they were stopped by Perrie, Tyler and Tom 2. Most of the people had split off, some on the highest floor and others in the tower.

This left nearly everything else unguarded. Liam and Zayn went through every room that was hidden underneath the house. Niall and Cole through the second floor, collecting everything that might be useful for them. Cole opened a small box and little robot bugs fell out. They crawled through the rooms quickly, cutting all electricity off.

"There's a car driving in your direction." Said Perrie.

"Alright." Said Jesy just as the car drove past their hiding spot. "Shit. What do we do ?"

"Shoot the wheels." Answered Harry while doing as he said.

The car came to a stop quickly and they left their hiding spot running towards the car. They opened the car doors and the three men got out. All groups went through the house and brought all the people in a big ballroom like hall. Group 2 and 3 were guarding the two doors while group 5 split to guard the two balconies and group 4 was guarding the big windows. One person was still missing through.

Harry and Louis made their way into the basement, which split of into 3 separate hallways at the end. Harry went into the one on the right and Louis went into the one on the left. Louis' hallway was stopped suddenly by a wall reaching from the floor all the way to the ceiling. His flashlight started flickering lightly and he was hoping the batteries wouldn't die now. He turned around and went into the hallway in the middle. It was a small hallway and got smaller the further he got. Defeated Louis turned around again and waited for Harry in front of the three hallways.

It felt like hours had past and he began to wonder why Harry wasn't coming back. Slowly and quietly made Louis his way through the hallway, glad that this time the ceilings had a relatively normal distance to the floor. He wasn't alone, quick steps and heaving breath were echoing of the walls. Someone was running in front of him but they were too far away for the flashlight to capture them. It wasn't Harry though that was all he knew so far. The person came to a sudden halt and now it was only a few seconds before Louis would find them. A hissing sound pulled him out of his thoughts as it passed right next to his head, making him jump. The hallway was now light up by a dim light coming from little lightbulbs screwed into the wall.

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