Is your Bedroom ceiling bored like mine ?

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I saw that he was still on his phone and started writing a new message, short before I finished the text he went offline and blocked my number.

"Fuck!" I cursed.

Zayn gave me a concerned side glance and started driving, after 10 minutes we were by his apartment and went inside.

I showered and fell asleep the moment I fell on the bed.

I was walking in the streets, it was dark outside and I was shivering from the cold winter air. Faintly I could hear screams of my name but besides me ,there was nobody around. Where even was I ? I have never been here before and still it seemed familiar. I walked faster down the street as the screams got louder. With every step I took they got louder . I came to a stop in front of a old house , from the outside it didn't look like anybody had lived here for many years.

"Harry !" There again. Someone was screaming my name. The voice was a familiar, but I was to lost in my thoughts to where I am , to recognise the oh so familiar voice. Before I could take another step towards the door , a hand was put over my mouth and muffled my Yelp from the shock successfully. A dark chuckle came from behind me. The unfamiliar voice started talking.

"Look who's here ."  Another chuckle and the hand still over my mouth ." The little boy toy of non other the great blue himself." My face scrunched in confusion and I tried pulling the hand of my mouth." Now, now . Let's not go against the rules. They're easy to remember, Don't scream , don't work against us. " the person pushed me forward. "Walk !" They commanded.

I didn't go against them , I was lost in my thoughts to what they would want from me. Who is blue ? Why am I they're boy toy ? I'm nobody's toy ! Without saying anything I just did as I was told . I was pushed inside the house and towards a heavy dark wooden door. The Hand knocked in a rhythm ,I tried to remember from where I new the rhythm. Surely nothing important..

The door opened and a person was there , I couldn't see a face. It was hidden behind a mask like in fifty shades of grey , which made me wonder 'in what the fuck I got myself into ?' And a medical mask over their mouth and nose. It looked ridiculous and if I would have been in a different situation I would have laughed. Both of the mask were silver and the only thing I could see was their red , bloodshot eyes.

It just scared me more. I got pulled into the room and the door closed. The person still holding my arm in a tight grip, opened a little door on the floor and shoved me down the stairs. I was now in a small room, reminding of a basement.

"H- Hello ?" I stuttered out.

In a darker corner something moved , it sounded a bit like a chain dragging on the floor.

"Harry ?" Now I heard it , it was Louis. His voice small and broken.

I took the light bulb that was hanging loosely from the ceiling and turned it to the corner. Gasping at the sight I ran toward Louis. There he was, my Louis , beaten up and  his hands chained to the wall. I kneeled down next to him. Cupping his face gently,not to hurt him. I turned his head a bit and looked at the bruises and cuts.

"What did they do baby ?" I asked caressing his cheek my thumb.

"I told you not to search for me. What are you doing here ?" Asked Louis ,ignoring my question.

"You called for me .I followed your voice." I explained softly.

Louis looked at the ground and shook his head .

"I never said your name out loud ,how did you hear?"

"But your mind and heart called for me. "

With a bang the door opened and closed. A tall person walked in with a knife in their hand.

"Stand up!" They demanded.

"Do it love ." Louis said.

Slowly I stood up and walked to the spot they told me to, before I could turn around a cry out of pain was heard. I spun around and saw the person stabbing him.

"No!" I shouted.

With a gasp I sat up. I looked through the room. I was in Zayns flat. The sun was up again but something felt weird, it didn't feel like it was just a dream. What if Louis really needed me. That's dumb right ? It is . He's surely fine. Living his best life after leaving me.


It's a month since I came back. Through the days , I tried to forget everything. Teaching a room of immature 5th graders that laugh about everything was no help at all. I was thanking god when I finally could switch to the high school building. That was the thing of this school. There were three buildings. You wouldn't guess they are one school if you didn't know. But there was a elementary school, middle school and high school. Every teacher had their a room in every building. It would be too chaotic if every teacher would only have one room in this whole school thing.

When I finally was in my room, I sat down and looked over my messages. Normally was now the time Louis would sneak away from who ever he was helping, to talk to me. There was no message, no missed call. Like everyday since he left.
Before I could think of something else there was a announcement.

"The rest of the school day won't be any lessons. Please go home , don't stop anywhere. Just go home as fast as possible. Be careful, don't panic.
All the teachers ,a meeting in half an hour, look that every gets out safely."

I walked fast out of the room and went to the other teachers. We tried getting everybody out as fast as possible. After twenty minutes all three schools were empty. All the teachers where in an room and the principal stood in the front.

"Today were people in the shop down the street held hostage. Nothing happened to them. But it was too dangerous since they were so near. This blue criminal people where the ones who did that."

Me and Zayn looked at each other, I was scared and he seemed to know it. Zayn took my hand and tried to comfort me. It worked , but then I remembered the Dream I had. It just terrified me more.

"- with these informations is this school day over for you as well , the next two days won't be any classes. The parents got already informed. Get home safely."

With that we all left. The drive back to zayns flat was quite. When we were there we both ran into his flat and he locked the door. I went to my room and started writing down the dream. Nothing I do often but this just felt to real to forget. When I finished, I listened to music and distracted myself.


It was 1 A.M. and I couldn't sleep. Too much was on my mind and whenever I closed my eyes I heard Louis' voice, the conversations we had. I just stared at the ceiling for half an hour and started to feel tired. I closed my eyes ,ready to fall asleep.

"Wait don't go in there right now "

"Why ?"

"It's just ... chaotic at the moment."


I entered the room and Louis quickly shut off his computer. I chuckled and looked at

"What were you doing that needed to be closed this fast ?"

"Nothing." He said sounding tensed.
I just shook my head and walked out again.

My eyes shot open .

His office.

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