There's no escape

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A/N : Happy pride month <3

[Louis' pov]

I was sitting on my bed, reading again through the plans. Somebody knocked and I mumbled a 'come in' absently. Toby walked in , looking serious. When Toby came in alone it always was something with somebody who didn't do as told or didn't pay.

"Jake , Jacob and Sam didn't pay and the dead line was last week. "

"What are the last names , I only remember those."

"Jake and Jacob are the Willet twins and Sam hooks."

"The Willet twins are some sneaky shits. They always manage to run or pay last minute. But this hooks never made problems? Never heard his name before. How much ?"

"Willets £10.028 and hooks £1.004 ."

I stared at him , my jaw probably on the floor.

"How the fuck did they get away with so much ?!" I was mad now , I could put the money in good use.

"What will you do ?" Toby asked curiously.

"Find them ,show them the fun is over and the next step will get decided when we know if they can pay ."

"Everything's alright? You're normally not that harsh ."

"You've got a problem with that now ?" I challenged , I can do as I please . I'm still his boss and not doing this for fun.

"Of course not." He answered fast and left after I dismissed him.

I started looking at the plans again and replaying what we needed to do. Another knock was heard and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes ?"

Ashe stepped inside , looking like she new the biggest secret.

"What is it ?"

"I saw him ."

"A bit more specific?" I said unbothered.

"Harry." Now that grabbed my attention.

"What ? When ? Where ? How is he ? Was he alone ? What was his reaction? Did he even see you ?"

"I saw him when I walked back from checking out the next hostage training. I ran into him, he was alone. Looked like he was on his way to your flat , he seemed fine but scared. "

"Okay.... get Cole, Liam and Jesy downstairs. I'll be there in the next five minutes. We need to get some wankers who didn't pay."

Ashe left the room and I closed every open plan and shut down the computer. I didn't take the mask with me , thinking they won't tell anyway and made my way down stairs. The other three were already waiting. I explained the situation to the others and we got in the car, on our way to find them and take them us.

Cole was driving, Jesy searched the three men , Liam hid the guns Tom 1 gave us and I was thinking about what I should do to them. After about thirty minutes we were at a bar where luckily all three were at. My luck sometimes. We talked through the plan and walked inside. Sam sat alone by the bar and Jesy made her way to him, telling us she will take care of him and I honestly don't doubt for a second that she can take him down alone.

If I wouldn't know her and would be sure she won't do something to me I would be scared. Liam ,Cole and I looked through the whole room. Searching for the twins.  Liam saw them and we  made our way to them. They sat in a dark corner, bad decision.


Jesy made her way to Sam , swinging her hips. Knowing he was already watching her. With confidence she walked to him and sat down next to him. Sam being naive - okay, who thinks the beauty next to you is part of the mafia and will knock you out? - invited her to a drink. They talked for long and she laughed over everything he said.

It took her something like two hours until he went behind the bar with her and she dragged his unconscious body 10 minutes later to the car.


The three of us came from different directions, before I could reach them, I saw a familiar face. I turned around and went to a quiet corner , dialling the number of Tom 1.

"Everythings going good ?"

"Yes , I just wanted to say your ex- fuck buddy is here and I need you to give him something."

"You want me to go back to him for one night ?"

"Yes ?"

"Wait , I'll be there in 10 ."

We hung up and I was surprised that I didn't even had to say something to convince him. I made my way to the table with the two special guests. Liam and Cole were already sitting and talking to them. Unnoticed I snuck behind them,pulling out two guns and pressed them into their backs.

"You two fucker come with us now and don't you dare to say a thing." I said lowly.

They had a obvious conversation through their eyes, seeming to agree through. So we walked outside, Liam in front and Cole behind us. The minute we stepped out , I hit the gun on the back of their heads, making them loose consciousness. Tom 1 walked by and I gave him the bugging device. He gave us a sign with his hand showing us not to wait for him. Well somebody's gonna get some tonight.

When we had all three guys in the car we drove back and put them in the basement. Jade tied them to their chairs and we let them rest , for now. The five of us went upstairs to the others and waited for the first noises from them.

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