Chapter 23

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The hits to her head caused her vision to worsen. Two troopers were supposed to be interrogating her, but once she stopped talking, they got angry.

Until Vader walked back in. He pushed the troopers away and Padmé spat blood in their direction.

She glared at them, her nose was starting to bleed, and she wiped it off with her shoulder. "Don't you Imperials have something better to do? Better than punching a woman in the face?"

"It is our job to interrogate you. I apologize for their childish behavior. They weren't supposed to hit you. Not once. " Vader spoke, his dark voice spreading chills throughout the room.

"Well tell them to back off!" The harmed woman yelled, blood dripping from the side of her head. "And can one of you untie me?"

With a swift of his arm, the Dark Lord broke her bonds with her red blade, a true weapon of the Sith. She flinched, squeezing her eyes shut and anticipating the blade to pierce her heart. Once she opened her eyes, she looked at her wrists and sighed in relief.

"Now, will you please stop yelling? Can my men get you anything? Food? Water?" Vader spoke too softly. His wife was right in front of him... and that meant his child was somewhere.

"Both. Please? I'm starving... how long have I been out? And why are you suddenly so sentimental?"

"Because my men just beat the shit out of you. You've been out for two days since you passed out due to malnutrition. You're pale, thin, and trembling, and frankly, I need you alive. "

A tray of food was brought over and she looked at it longingly, and carefully stood up to take it. Vader cleared the men from the room, and sat near her, watching her eat , as his mind trailed off to off memories...

"Ani? My goodness you're back so soon!" Padmé ran over to him, a large smile on her face.

"Thats not the only surprise! I brought dinner!" Anakin held a largely decorated tray of food.

"How did you manage this?"

"Our uh... um... blew up. " He watched her face ready to protest and scold him, "So we hitched a ride with a shipping cargo and I managed to get ahold of your favorite."

"T- this.. Ani- this is great!"

Padmé was eating as if she hadn't eaten in years, the blood still dripping. Anakin couldn't help it but run his hand up her cheek and onto her wound, "Do you need a medic?"

She slapped his hand away, "No. Can I please be alone?"

His heart felt ready to break, and he walked away, "I apologize for them... again. Im sorry. " After shutting the door, he went to his chambers.

Why was the world like this!?  He thought, throwing his helmet at the wall. "She's alive! She's alive and I can't hold her! Damn it!" He screamed in agony, falling to his knees and sobbing, holding his head in his hands. "Please... please I know I did a lot of wrong in my life... but let me have her back... just once again... let me hold her... let me hold her... let me hold her again..."

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