Chapter 1

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Padmé was on the sand plant of Tatooine. Only five years had past since her "death". She had already put in so much effort to go incognito as possible. But ponchos were the best she could do. 

Not only that, but she looked more like a rebel now too. Her eyes were lined with black eyeliner, and her hair was always tied back, with it cut in a new way to frame her face, to hide who she was. Back before the Empire, she always was wearing some extra looking outfit, for the simplest events. She shuddered at the thought, knowing that before, she was a little too extra.

Also knowing that her son lived on this planet, only made her temporarily visit harder. He was five. As well as his twin sister on Alderaan. She promised she'd take them back, when they were six. Both old enough to understand what was going on, without too many emotional ties, and with enough cognitive development to understand the Empire.

Even she had no clue Anakin was alive. Obi-Wan told her that he died on Mustafar. That there was no saving him from what he brought upon himself. But he had also told her he never turned to the Dark Side. Lies. She was so sick of all the lies. She knew he turned. He told her himself. So why was Obi-Wan so keen on hiding the bitter truth?

As she walked the streets of Mos Eisley, she saw several aliens working on pods. That made her rethink the time her and Anakin first met, the day before Boonta Eve. He was so small, so innocent. So excited to win at a pod race. Maybe even show off a bit. She remembered nearly passing out, watching him be so dangerous.

Her supposedly being dead was hard enough. Walking anywhere was a challenge. Keeping her hood on despite the heat. Stepping into a Cantina, Padmé sat down, listening for anything new about the Empire. Until a conversation caught her ear. One between the bar man, and an Inquisitor.

 "Nah, the occasional gang, but nothing like the old Jedi Order. Why?" The bar man asked, after being prompted a question she didn't hear.

 "Because Darth Vader is looking for any remaining Jedi. If you are hiding any information, you'll be regretting your existence." The Inquisitor snarled.

 "Woah, no need to get so defensive. I swear I haven't seen any. One minute darling." He left to a man that looked oddly familiar too Padmé. She walked closer to where the bar man went, hearing him; "Ah, old Ben. Ready for your order?"

 "Yes, it's not like I come here at this time every week for nothing. I hear you're having troubles with inquisitors?" Kenobi replied, taking a box from him, "Don't let them boss you around."

 "Damn people are always asking if I know where them Jedi are. I haven't ever heard the word Jedi since my daughter was born. Now she's 6."

 "I think it's been the same amount of time for me. Jedi huh? Lucky for us men, we know nothing. " She heard that voice before... but from who? Surely not Organa... Kenobi...Obi-Wan! Padmé thought, looking at him and recognizing his features.

 "Cheers to that! Enjoy your food. See ya next week." As he left the alley, Padmé thought of the list of information she got. One, Vader is the new Sith Lord. Two, Obi-Wan is on Tatooine. Three, the Empire is hunting Jedi.

Darth Vader was in misery. Pain. But not physically. No, he was emotionally hurt. Five and a half years, he's gone without Padmé. The woman he tried saving, but was too late. Too blinded by the power, that she slipped from his fingers. 

He was pacing his quarters, a picture of her hung on the wall. His heart felt crushed at her smile. Torn at the memories of her sweet kisses, and soft eyes. He remembered feeling his child's kicks, while hearing her beautiful laugh.

The times that there was nothing but their romance, hugging her from behind. Just her touch, he craved. Just one more minute with her, he begged. 

Now, he was alone. The Sith that promised to help save her, had a lust only for Vader's power. Palpatine wanted nothing do to with Vader's emotional side. Only the amount of power was in his interest.

The words Palpatine told him echoed his mind, the words that made him know how to save Padmé;

 "Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis "the wise"?I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself."

But he lied! He said he could save her. Vader moaned in agony, wanting nothing more but his wife. Needing her wise words in such a time of pain.

And then Obi-Wan. He turned Padmé against him. Telling her lies. Making her think Vader was corrupt.

Vader didn't care, he ignited the red lightsaber, slicing a end table in half. 

Five and a half years.

Five and a half years of brokenness. Of pain. Misery. Sadness. Anger. Hate. If he had just listened to her, she'd still be alive. If he didn't worry, and trusted that she knew her body, she'd be holding him close, murmuring soft romantic nothings into his ear.

With their child.

This, was the true Vader.

The true Vader was not a monster, but a man dying inside from the self hatred and agony. 

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