Chapter 24

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Vader sat in his chambers, taking a deep shuddering breath. He was Anakin Skywalker. But why did it feel like he wasn't? All he wanted was to hold his wife close...but there was that tinge of hatred that was manipulated into his heart.

With a swift movement, he stood up and walked to the detention block.

Padmé sat in there, looking at the ceiling. If only her dream was real...and that Anakin was behind the mask to take her away...

But Anakin was dead.

No matter what rumor or belief she heard, she had the accept the fact that Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi killed her husband. When the cell door opened, she stood up, looking at the man who entered.

"You're going to tell me the locations of Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker." Vader ordered.

Vader stood amongst his men as they went through news and reports, waiting for anything.

"Sir, we have news of Bail Organa of Alderaan adopted a baby girl. She was born the same day Senator Amidala died of child birth. "

His head spun- he had a daughter? He remembered telling his wife he hoped he had a girl.

"- That's funny. I found a report of a Luke Skywalker living on Tatooine. Same date of birth. "

That made him feel nauseous. His wife possibly had twins? A boy and girl? Upon hearing the news, he walked to his quarters, deep in thought.

"Who?" Padmé said, picking her nails.

"You know who I'm talking about. Luke and Leia. Your children. "

"They're much safer away from you-"

"Don't!" It hurt his heart to hear- that his own children would be safe away from him.

"Why do you want them!?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Then make me."

Padmé glared, leaning back and closing her eyes.

Upon hearing the door shut, she laid down and nodded off, dreaming of her old life...


Hello! RJ here. Sorry for the short chapter!

But I hope you enjoy it as this story will be ending soon-

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