Chapter 7

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Vader couldn't.

He felt out of control. Hurt. Broken. And even worse m


He was given all this power. So much power. But there was something that broke him the most.

Padmé wasn't there.

He just wanted to save her. Save her from dying in childbirth. 

And he wanted to be there. To hold her hand as she gave birth to their baby. To let her make him feel whatever pain she went through.

And then to hold their baby.

Oh stars, he'd do anything. Anything. To kiss her once again. To hug her once more. And say, "I love you, Padmé." 

Rage filled the broken man. He couldn't take this pain anymore. It killed him. Ruined his heart and soul. Whatever bits of Anakin were left, was constantly beat up by the heartbreak.

He walked over to his Master's throne. Palpatine, or Sidious, sat on the chair.

Before Vader walked in, he felt a twinge in his heart, telling him to not talk to the other. So he didn't.

He turned around and hid away in his quarters, taking off the helmet. There, under it, was the handsome (yet still young looking) face of Anakin Skywalker.

Tears escaped the man's eyes. Hardly anyone has seen him so vulnerable. 

Mainly Padmé saw him vulnerable. But Ahsoka did too.

And his mother.

If she were alive, she'd have been able to help Padmé throughout pregnancy, and not tell a soul.

And help with his nightmares.

 "You can't do anything about change, just like you can't do anything about the suns setting." Shmi said to him, when he left her.

He missed her. Horribly.

Padmé couldn't stay, but she wanted to. She told Bail Organa and Owen Lars about her encounter with a Sith Lord. Darth Vader.

But that conversation didn't work out. She was so close to getting her kids, to bring them to safety. Now she has to wait until they're older.

Older older.

The least age being seventeen. This broke her, and she wanted to hunt Vader down. And she wanted to hurt him. He not only ruined the Republic and Democracy, but her chance to have her kids.

He ruined everything.

And she knew that revenge wasn't good. Anakin told her enough, the Jedi manifesto. Which was odd, since he hardly read it.

She remembered all the times she was happy. When Anakin would have Rex cover him so he could talk to her. It was risky, but he took that risk. She was hardly pregnant at that time.

But it made her sad, that this life of hers went downhill since the Chancellor was brought back from being kidnapped. Sure, seeing Anakin after five months made her happy, but there were so many problems.

So many problems.

But she had to be thankful that they'd have safety. Safety. That assured her.

And broke her more than ever.

Because she was alone.

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