Chapter 13

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Padmé was at the door of her old family home, and knocked gently on the door. Her family always answered. When the door opened, her older sister, Sola, was at the doorway.

 "Hello? Wha-... Padmé? Wait...I'm freaking out...I'm dreaming." Sola was panicking.

Padmé put her small hand on her sister's shoulder. "Sola, we have a lot to discuss."

 "This is a devil trick. I know I've sinned..."

 " Sola! Listen to me! I'm alive! The devil isn't after you. " she shakes her head, sighing. "I faked my death. With the help of Sabé."

 " Why in the blazes would you do that? " she looks at her, frowning.

 "Because, I had to. Anakin...he's dead, and my kids-" she was cut off.

 "-I'm sorry. Kids? More than one?" 

 " Yes. I gave birth to twins. Luke and Leia. But their father is dead. And they're sprayed separated until at least seventeen, I can't even get them. Because of the Empire. And the Black Man. "

 "Black Man? Who's that?"

 "He wore a mask, and all black. He's a Sith Lord. "

 "Ah, Darth Vader. The Emperor's little pawn. He's what's keeping your little ones from you?"

 Padmé nods, "Yes. And I want him to...rot in a Rebel prison. Something. Anything."

 That night, Sola and Padmé had to explain everything to their parents, who nearly fainted from a heart attack. Jobal, their mother, was mostly panicked because of the grief she's had for so long.

 "I love you all. Please...I need this between us." Padmé begged, looking between everyone.

 "Of course, darling." Jobal held her daughter close, sighing to herself.

And Padmé markets, melted into the arms of her mother.

Anakin hadn't slept in four days. Until a medic forced him to. He was do obsessed with finding Padmé, he forgot about taking care of himself. 

Of course he did. He was Anakin Skywalker. Deep down. The stubborn, reckless, Jedi, who loved doing things his way, and still winning battles.

But Darth Vader covered Anakin. As if Anakin was in a hole, and Vader was covering him with dirt. Anakin felt trapped, regretting the day he kneeled in front of Darth Sidious. The day he called him, Master. 

Because that destroyed everything. He wanted Padmé to lay with him on the couch, to stroke his hair, and whisper that this was all a bad dream.

Maybe it was. Maybe his nightmares crawled from hell, and were out fit for him.

The man knelt in his quarters, bowing his head, and folded his hands, praying to God for forgiveness, for mercy and for healing. He prayed for two and a half hours.

And he knew his Master must'nt know he prayed. He hoped his prayer would be answered, that he would be in his wife's arms, once more.

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