Chapter 4

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Padmé was walking yet again in the streets of Tatooine. Everything went fine until an unnoticed probe droid followed the said to be dead senator.

The probe caught footage of her, mostly with the mask. Black eye lined eyes were only shown, until she took off her mask. Then the view of Padmé Amidala was captured.

It's job was to find any rebels or insurgents. But an old Republic Senator? That was a win. Rather quickly, the droid sent all the data to Darth Vader.

 "Of course I'm willing to thank you, I have enough Imps on my ankles. They...I'm Sorry what?...oh. Vader." Darth Vader listened to the recording of Padmé fifteen times in a row. Of her speaking with a local rebel.


Padmé. The love. The life. The beauty. 

All that was left was pain.

Heart breaking pain.

He could remember choking her. Her pleas that she loved him. That she wanted only to raise their child.

But why was she alive? And talking about a rebellion. She's a rebel! He had to admit that she looked more rebellious. Never had he seen her eyes lined with black.


Seeing her made Anakin come back. He clawed away Vader, his heart beating wildly in his chest.

But then he remembered.

She's dead.

There's no hope for her being alive, his Master even told him so. She died before giving birth, the child died too. Just when hope came, reality struck.

So why was she in this recording? Was it a hand maiden? Sabé, Dormé or even Roteé? 

He stormed down the hall, his cape spreading behind him. "I want every data file pulled up on Senator Amidala. Now." He ordered calmly.

Grand Moff Tarkin nods at Vader's words, telling his men to start the research. With fear, they got to work. After about an hour, a man came up with a holo pad, a file pulled up. His name was Dred.

 "Lord Vader. This is the file of Padmé Naberrie Amidala Skywalker. Former queen of Naboo, former senator for Naboo. After her death, it was revealed she had a secret affair and marriage with Jedi knight, Anakin Skywalker. Death was caused due to too much stress and pressure during her pregnancy. Lost her offspring." He explains, showing a picture of her.

"Died? No, a probe had a recording of her on Tatooine." Vader glares under his helmet.

 "Then that's a mistake. She's dead."

He almost moaned in agony at the words, "She's not dead. I feel it. She's alive."

 "Start a search for her. Add it to the list of wanted rebels." Moff Tarkin orders.

They nod and do as they're commanded.b

Vader had walked to the window, the view of the Death Star was in front of him. "I'll find you..."

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