Chapter 17

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Padmé was sitting in the cell, her head bowed down. She didn't hear the door open, but when it did, heavy footsteps came.


Vader came in and saw his wife, huddled up in the corner, looking weak and starved. She got hardly anything to eat, maybe stale bread and watery soup if she was lucky.

He set a tray of good food on the floor, knowing his Master wouldn't appreciate him doing this

"You need to eat." He says to her, kneeling down.

She looks at him, tears staining her cheeks. "Why are you helping me?"

"I..." He looks down, not sure what to say.

"There's nothing to help. My kids are dead. I would rather be dead." She spits out the lie, making sure they wouldn't hunt down the twins.

He felt his heart throb, his kids are dead? And his wife wanted to die? "Amidala...I am sorry for your loss. But please eat."

If there was any hint to his voice, she couldn't make it out. His voice was changed with a voice modulator within the mask.

"You are so...beautiful. " Anakin studies his pregnant wife, brushing her hair on the balcony.

"Its only because I'm so in love." Padmé smiles. The vision warped in Anakin's mind, causing pain.

"I love you!" She cried.

"Liar!" He yells, choking her.

"Where is Padmé? Is she safe? Is she alright?" His voice was heard in his head, but it was Vader's.

"It your killed her." His Master said.

"I? I couldn't have. She was alive, I felt it!"

Vader clutched his head, shaking. Padmé looked at him, worried.

The vision tore through his mind, causing him pain.

"Forgive me, ma'am." He got up and left, regretting not telling her the truth.

She looks at him, before looking at the food he brought her. Slowly, she ate, thankful of the Black Man. The Sith. Darth Vader.

Even though he caused her loads of pain and misery.

And the separation of her kids.

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