Chapter 18

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Vader had managed to take a key card from a stormtrooper, who was too nervous to be around him.

His plan was to release Padmé.

So, he walked over to her cell, and slid the card underneath the door.

Padmé saw the small blue and white card slide in, and she raised an eyebrow. There was a click at the door, which meant someone had unlocked it, and gave her the key.

"Hello?" She stood up, going to the door and opening it. The guards were gone, and she saw the swish of a black cape.

He muttered something under his breath, and walked away.

"Wait...thank you." She calls out quietly, running after him. It was a stupid descion.

He turns around, looking at his wife running at him, "Wha- your welcome."

"Why...why are you helping me?" She stops in front if him.

"I couldn't tell you, even if I wanted to." He mumbles, scared.

"Because of your Master?"

"Maybe that is a reason. There's another..."

She frowns, her small gentle hands go to each side of his mask. His hands wraps around her wrists gently.

"Padmé...don't..." He whispers.

"Please let me. I must know..."

"You will hate me even more."

This struck her hard, and she looked into the eyes of his mask.


Very slowly, her hands start to lift his mask, when there were blaster shots.

"The prisoner is escaping! Get her!" A commander stormtrooper yells, starting to shoot at her.

Vader wrapped an arm around his waist, "Padmé, you must go. Please. " he whispers to just her.

"Who are you...?" She looks at him, starting to leave.

"I've been dying a bit each day since you left my life." He gently pushes her away.

"Wha..." she backs away , running to the main bay hangar.

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