Chapter 53

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I look at Rafiki with the biggest grin on my lips. The moment she walked in you could feel the tension rising. It was her words to say, her fight to fight. I very deliberately stopped Nuri from interrupting Rafiki. There is no one else who could have put it across like that, with so much conviction and hatred. The words came from her feelings and were reinforced by Yin. Her eyes flickered and her lifelines changed colour for a second.

As soon as the door closes behind Rafiki, I take another sip of my white wine. I look at Noa and see him looking at me with a smug grin. I send him a smile and then put my glass back on the table. The man of the dawn clears his throat and then stands up. 'I think it is better that I leave, first I want to make an announcement'. He straightens his blue jacket and folds his hands.

'In view of the charges against the Princess and looking forward to her eighteenth birthday, you will receive a request to come to the dawn shortly'. My mouth almost falls open from the impertinence, where does he get the nerve. A huge thump brings me out of my contempt. Noa has risen from his chair, so hard that his chair has toppled over. 'Was Rafiki not clear? Where do you get the nerve to say those words? Do you have a death wish?'.

Noa completely loses his patience and self-control, shouting his words across the room. I am afraid that he is going to fly at the man's neck, so I get up from my chair myself. 'What Noa wants to say is that we will meet the request and respond to it later'. Noa's eyes pierce into my body like spears. He wants to start shouting again but I raise my hand again which brings him to silence.

The man nods briefly and makes a small bow to the table. He turns around and walks at a slightly too fast pace towards the door. The servants open the door and he leaves the room. As soon as the doors close behind him, a bomb bursts. 'How can you?'. Noa shouts at me this time. I walk up to the boy and see pure desperation in his eyes, with a tinge of hate. 'Sometimes it's better to wait a little before reacting, before making rash decisions'.

My words are calm, which also seems to calm Noa. 'I'm going to talk to Rafiki, what she did is unacceptable'. This time it's my turn to turn around in surprise. Nuri has stood up and looks at me innocently after her words. 'What are you talking about? She did exactly what she needed to do, she said what he needed to hear,' is my retort. Nuri raises her eyebrow. 'She's a princess and should behave like one'.

I don't know what the atmosphere is today but this is also the moment I lose my patience and control. 'When will you realise that Rafiki is not a proper princess? She's walking around with a dark mind that she has because of you. If anyone here should know what that feels like, it should be you. You are behaving ridiculously, when is the last time you actually took an interest in your daughter? Do you have any idea what she is going through? Rafiki is dying and you need to wake up from the fantasy world you've entered'.

Without waiting for a response, I walk towards the doors, which are opened for me. I walk into the corridor and despise the last few hours, what a play. On the one hand, I am very satisfied with the events. Rafiki has said exactly what it takes but it hasn't got us anywhere so far. I have fallen out against Nuri which was not exactly my intention, but again it was necessary.

Rafiki's birthday is approaching which means that not only do we have to prove her innocence, we also have to take steps in Chanel's plan. Once her magic is mature, Yin can take his chances and it will be over faster than we think. The most ideal would be if we banished Rafiki to the human world on her birthday. I know it's cruel, but it's the best and maybe the only solution.

I see Rafiki being taken over by Yin before my eyes. Not only is it already visible in the black veins on her arms, it is noticeable in her personality. She changes from the timid and loving girl to a vengeful and sneaky person. Her body starts to deteriorate, she becomes thinner and looks white. You can see that she is dying and that image frightens me.

I walk through the corridors with no real goal or end point. Mostly wrapped up in the events that have just happened and my other thoughts, I walk around. 'Celeste!'. I stop at the sound of Novak's voice. I slowly turn around and see both Novak and Noa running towards me. Both men have something in common, something naughty but still thoughtful. They stop at my feet and gasp for breath.

'Have you looked at Reviri?'. Noa nods while Novak stares at me in ignorance. In my mind I go through the castle like a map, room by room. All the places where she could be in the castle do not make sense in my mind. No place seems suitable for a cursed princess in her rage. If Reviri is here, that means she can't be far, fortunately, that gives some breathing space.

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