Chapter 83

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I look around me, searching for Noa. After he left me with his mother, he disappeared without a trace. I don't understand where this boy keeps disappearing to, why he doesn't say anything. A bit defeated, I look at the glass of wine in front of me. The trays of food are served by the waitresses, glasses poured. As soon as everyone is seated, busy talking to each other, my father gets up from his chair.

He taps the edge of the glass with his knife, asking for attention. Slowly, everyone falls silent and their eyes are fixed on my father. 'Thank you for your attention. Even though today is a double day, it's time for a big celebration. Rafiki'. My father's eyes pierce into mine. 'We have had difficult times, we are going to have difficult times. Despite everything, you are and will always be my beautiful daughter. I admire how you have fought Yin all this time, how much you have remained yourself. We are taking care of Reviri, make it a wonderful time. We look forward to your stories'.

My father raises his glass, the rest follows. It almost makes me emotional, almost. I remember the things I wanted to say before I left, the last thing I had to do myself. I push my chair back and stand up. 'I'll start with Chea, please continue to be the wonderful woman you are today. You are sincere, honest and value everyone. Never stop doing that and remain yourself'.

My gaze drifts further to Elien, 'Elien, ask Chea to marry you'. Elien starts laughing, raises his glass and takes a sip. 'I'll think about it', is his reply.

I turn to Malia. 'Despite the fact that I haven't got to know you very well yet, I respect your way of leading,' Malia smiles gratefully.

Novak is next at the table. 'You have a special way of teaching, nevertheless your lessons are very valuable. Look after Celeste for me'. Novak smiles gratefully, takes a sip of his wine. His gaze drifts to Celeste but I pay no further attention. I have a bad memory of the situation I put them in. Yin had a hold over me when Novak told me to meet him in the stables, when I asked that question and caused the embarrassing situation. I hope that this wrong decision will bring some good. I hope Novak and Celeste get back together.

My face turns to my father. 'Thank you for all your support, for your patience. You were always there when no one seemed to understand me, especially when it came to my childhood. Beware of the dragons for me and follow your heart, on every level'. My father smiles gratefully and takes a sip of his wine. There is a deeper message in these sentences, he will find out.

My gaze slides to my mother. 'Even though we haven't always had it easy together, you were always there when I needed you. Please stop with the neat queen act, become the woman you used to be again. That woman is what this world needs, that's who you are' My mother wants to get up but I stop her with a gesture.

'First I want to go to Celeste'. I turn my head and look into Celeste's brown eyes, they look slightly nervous. 'I think words are inadequate to express how grateful I am. You were the dog with the bone, you never gave up. You were always the one with the hope, with the willpower. You always had patience with me, despite everything I did and what you knew. You showed me my worth and for that alone I am eternally grateful'.

I swallow visibly. 'Celeste you are the most powerful woman I know, the most honest and sincere. You deserve all the happiness in this world, in love and the people around you. Show what powers you have hidden all this time, be yourself and make Reviri so crazy about you that he forgets about me. Thank you for everything'. A tear slides down Celeste's eye, over her cheek onto the table.

She gets up from her chair and rushes in my direction, her black heels tapping on the floor. For a moment she stands still in front of me, looking at me. Before I can say anything else, she pulls me into her arms, my head falling on her shoulder. She holds me for a while, I feel the emotion in her grip. She holds me slightly away, looks straight at me. God, I'm going to miss you, thanks Raf. She wipes her cheeks with her hands.

She gives me a last smile before she goes back to her seat, I take my place too. 'Let's eat, bon appetit'. My father opens dinner, everyone starts scooping up food except me. I lost my taste a while ago and it hasn't returned, the mere sight of it makes me nauseous. I take another sip of wine and watch the others start eating.

'Rafiki, don't you want to eat anything?', Chea asks politely. I immediately shake my head. I can't taste it anymore', I answer honestly. Chea nods understandingly, yet I see a compassionate look in her eyes. I can't even remember the taste of many things, the taste of bread is nothing more or less than cardboard to me. I am mesmerised by how easily the others shove the food down my throat, something I no longer understand.

I have never understood how people could shove a lot of food down their throats at the same time, for me, eating has always been something that had to be done. I don't know if my taste has ever been optimal. I can remember several situations where others seemed to taste something different than I did, a much stronger taste. I haven't eaten for several weeks now, it's because Yin keeps me alive. If it wasn't for Yin, if I wasn't connected to Celeste, I would already be dead.

I jerk up from my stare as soon as I feel a breath on my neck, immediately I turn around. I think you'll like this. Surprised, I look at Noa, wondering where he's come from. He holds a glass in his hand, filled with something I can't place. The liquid is similar to the colour of strawberries, slightly darker. 'What is it?'. Actually, I should ask him where it comes from first but I am too mesmerised by the drink.

Noa puts the glass on my plate for me, takes a seat next to me on the empty chair. 'No questions asked, just drink'. Suspiciously, I take the glass in my hand and bring it to my lips. As I had thought, the smell of strawberries enters my nostrils. I want to pull it away immediately but before I can do anything Noa pushes the glass towards my lips. The liquid touches my lips and without any more hesitation I knock the whole glass backwards.

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