Chapter 40

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Noa seems to settle for my unexpected action. He takes a seat between my legs and puts his hands next to my head. The kiss is passionate and anything but quiet. My hands tumble through his black hair. Our tongues glide along each other which makes the tingling in my body intensify. For a moment the burning pain gives way to pleasant tingling.

For a moment Noa panting loosens herself from me and looks at me. His dark eyes are wild and lusty. His hair is tangled thanks to my hands, small tufts sticking out. Once again he lets his eyes glide unabashedly over my body. In a quick movement he grabs my loose bra and pulls it off my body. The garment falls on the floor next to the bed.

I don't have long to think about his unexpected reaction, his lips quickly find mine again. I am aware that I am still only in my underpants, but at the moment I don't care enough to pay attention to it. Our fierce tongue kiss gives so much tingling in my body that my attention goes to nothing else. His tongue gliding over my lower lip and his teeth biting softly into my lip make me squeeze hard into his hair.

His lips leave mine and leave for my neck. I have closed my eyes and enjoy the feeling that his lips give me. Softly they give kisses down my neck. Yet I am pulled out of the moment as soon as I feel something very sharp in my neck. I can't remember his teeth being so sharp. I consciously push Noa away from my neck so I can see what causes the sharpness.

As soon as Noa looks at me my eyes grow big. His first normal sized canines have made way for two pointed and sharp canines. It's not so much that I recognize those teeth, but I do know them. As soon as I blink my eyes it seems as if I've imagined it, so quickly they disappear again. Still, I don't believe that this was my imagination.

Noa tries to avoid the subject by kissing me again on my lips. I don't let myself be distracted that easily so gently push it away again. His eyes are still black and lusty but now also with a touch of fear. 'Vampire?', I ask without further explanation. Noa visibly swallows. He sits upright. I push myself up by leaning on my arms. 'Yes'

Being both a vampire and a magician is not natural and something that only comes back in a free antiquity, for years none has been heard of. 'How?', I ask in amazement. He pulls a hand through his confused hair and sighs deeply for once. 'Declare me crazy but there are spells for it' He mumbles so that I almost have to focus to understand it. My head is spinning for a moment. 'Explain'.

'Years ago I got my hands on a book by Chanel about forbidden spells. It contained a spell that was so strange that it caught my attention. By bringing blood from a vampire into your own bloodstream you could take over their magic. With my young head I did that and it worked. Afterwards I regret it'. His eyes are full of guilt. I sit up straight and put my hand on his cheek. 'Why do you regret it?'.

He puts his hand on the one I have on his cheek. 'Because it is forbidden and has brought me nothing more than those teeth, night vision and possible immortality. I don't have the strength and speed, you could say that I have failed in a part'. I pull him closer to me. 'Then we are both failures'. A small smile appears on his face. Actually I should leave it at that but I am too curious not to ask that one question. 'Do you have the bloodlust?', I ask anyway.

With a small smile he shakes his head. I only get it as soon as I die and am reborn, so to speak. Before I can react Noa grabs my ankle and pulls me lying down. I scream of settlement and then start laughing together with him. He comes between my legs again. This time his lips kiss me softly and quietly. I have put my hands around his neck.

Also this time we can't continue with the kiss undisturbed, there is a knock on the door. I growl against his lips. 'Noa?'. Chea's voice sounds through the door. I sigh deeply and let the shirt I was wearing float towards me through the air. I pull it over my head. Noa has gone off the bed and walked to the door. He looks at me again before he opens the door for his mother.

Chea's friendly face and blue eyes appear in the doorway. She doesn't even look surprised as soon as her eyes find mine. I am not ashamed that Noa knows his mother that we slept together. 'Good afternoon, Rafiki there is a visitor for you' I raise an eyebrow at the words good afternoon. I had no sense of time anymore.

'Give me a moment, I'll be right there', I say as I get up from my bed. Chea nods and leaves the room. Noa closes the door behind her before he walks towards me. Suddenly he pushes me against the wall again. I sigh. 'How many times are you going to push me against that wall again?', I ask slightly worried. He laughs shortly before he brings his lips to my ear. 'What about you and David?'. I look at him in amazement.

'Me and David?', I don't understand. His dark eyes meet mine again. 'You're pretty close,' he explains. I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. 'Nothing else?' I shake my head. I have known David for a long time and yes something has happened but a relationship with him, I don't have to think about it. He nods approvingly so that I roll my eyes.

He leaves in front of me so that I get the chance to put my normal clothes back on. Without any shame I put my bra and other clothes back on in front of Noa his nose. I can see his look, it is entertaining. I pull one more hand through my hair and walk out of the room. I wouldn't have liked to see the person I see then as a visitor.

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