Chapter 35

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The next question that crossed my mind was what was the use of the information I found. For a long time I had no idea about this, maybe now that I'm writing this I still don't know. What I do know, however, is that a dark force in your body cannot lead to something good. We have seen Nuri change over the years. Her aggression and search for power seemed to weaken over the years. She changed into a neat lady, determined by the rules. With hindsight, I think that after her breakaway, Yin was left behind in her body. The dark power that drives her, feeds off her vengefulness. It takes everything Nuri makes herself out of: hate, even her powers. Her magic has weakened over the years, we thought of aging. When I discovered that Nuri never lost her magic, it is searched for in her body by the dark power within her.

We move on to the actual reason that I am writing this to you, Rafiki. Thanks to you, Nuri was able to become pregnant, your power had the power to give her body that space. Biologically, we all thought it couldn't be possible. Now that I think about it, I know it was biologically possible, magically not. Yin stood in the way of her body, it didn't allow magic anymore. Thanks to you, Rafiki could grow into a full human being and be born as the coming queen. When I visited you in the hospital with Rafiki in your arms, I saw something in you. As if it were your own child, you held her and seemed to have agreed with yourself that you would protect her forever.

At that time I did not understand where your protection came from. For a moment I thought it was your child, together with Jamie. I could never ignore that attraction, it existed and was clearly present. Your relationship with men has always been complicated, as the strong woman you are you don't indicate men in your life who tell you what to do. That one night, the night Nuri told me she was pregnant, I found you in the hallway. In centuries I hadn't seen you shining so brightly, I thought that was because of the happy news. Not much later Jamie came into my office with a look in his eyes that I don't easily forget. As if he had seen the devil and at the same time found his eternal happiness. Before he could say anything I told him that Nuri had been there before, I thought by telling the good news. His gaze changed to incomprehensible. I made it clear to him that it was about his coming fatherhood, I've never seen a man so panicked.

From that moment on my idea was confirmed, there was something going on between you. I had a double feeling, a man cheating on the day his wife found out she was pregnant. On the other hand, you finally seemed to have your faith in love back. If there was ever a chance for you to find true happiness, grab it with both of them.

That happiness seemed to return to you when Rafiki was in your arms until we found out about her curse. As if it were your own child you started looking for a solution, for the reason of the curse. You walked into my office and shouted everything that came to your mind. I thought about my discovery about Nuri again after a very long time. As if slowly starting to put the pieces of the puzzle in my head I understood a lot more around me. It explained Nuri's transformation since the birth of Rafiki, it explained the return of her powers. I went back to the library to find that book, I never found it. As if it had been stolen, it seemed to have disappeared. I searched the entire castle to the point where I walked into Noa's room. On his black desk was the book I had been looking for for so long.

The twelve year old boy looked at me as if he had been caught murdering someone. Rafiki was eight at the time, her curse had just been known and we knew very little about it. I had a long talk with Noa about the book. Without me saying a word about it he asked about the connection between Rafiki and the book. I told him I hadn't figured it out yet. He pushed another book into my hands, "Curse and its origin". The curse that Rafiki carries is not described in the book, not even something resembling it. There was, however, a method written in it that made me think.

Ravens were once seen as the first form that stood with the devil. Witches tried early on to drive the spirit out of the body and store it. They hoped that the spirit would heal and come back pure in this way, as you already think, they never succeeded and everyone died. Although this way seems completely idiotic, there was a good core in it.

During the pregnancy of Nuri, the spirit of Yin bound itself to Rafiki. Rafiki was the newest source from which he could feed himself. From the birth of Rafiki, Yin is in her mind. We saw it when she was eight years old, it is slowly taking her over. We are not talking about a curse but about the most evil spirit this world knows. A curse can heal you, a spirit has to be exorcised. Yin will feed on the magic of Rafiki, literally destroying her inside. He will devour her life lines, they will burn away under his influence. Not only will this eventually lead to a pain that will no longer last. Rafiki will slowly be taken over by Yin. Her mind will be oppressed, her body will be burned and her magic will disappear. She will become a toy of him, killing until she doesn't even know who she killed. There is only one way to save Rafiki and keep Yin in tone: Exorcise him.

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