Chapter 69

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I pull back from the kiss and look at Noa in his blue eyes, they are dark and full of lust. 'Does it hurt?'. He seems afraid of my answer. I immediately shake my head. Uncomfortable maybe but not pain. Slowly, Noa moves his hips, causing him to pull back a little and slide in again. For a second, his eyelids slide shut and his mouth opens a little, clearly reading the pleasure on his face.

Again he moves his hips, this time several times in a row. A feeling I don't know runs through my lower body. Almost automatically, I grab Noa by his hair and close my eyes. His movements remain slow and gentle but constant, without pauses. Noa bends his head towards my neck, pressing his lips to the spot where he bit it. An enormous tingling sensation slips through my entire body, making my breath catch, his movements also helping.

The feeling his hips give me becomes more and more intense to the point that I begin to understand why people do this, it feels very good. My hips push themselves closer to Noa, I can feel him grinning at my neck. His lips continue to press kisses into my neck around the spot of the bite. My whole body tingles, I forget everything around me. As soon as he starts sucking on the bite mark, I lose myself and let a soft moan slip from my lips.

'Feels good, doesn't it?'. I can't help but agree with him. I try to answer but nothing more comes out than 'mmm'. My breathing has quickened without me even realising it. My quickened breathing starts to turn into a gasping sigh, every time I want to take a breath it is taken away from me. I have my eyes closed and so I don't notice Noa placing his lips on mine.

A sigh of pleasure slips from my lips before I can kiss him back. I didn't expect my first time to feel so good. My whole body hasn't stopped tingling, it's even more intense. Noa accelerates his hips, making me gasp during our kiss. My fingers wrap themselves in his hair. The feeling in my lower abdomen gets finer and finer, the more I get used to it.

Noa makes an unexpectedly hard move. He hits me harder and in a different place, deeper. I squeeze his hair hard and don't hold back a moan. Immediately I thrust my hips harder against his, yearning for more. Our lips part. Again, Noa's lips slide to my neck. He presses a kiss to the bite before making the same move. My back curls and another moan leaves my lips. 'I think I've found the right spot don't you?'.

I feel him smirk against my neck. He asks a question but doesn't give me the space to answer. His hips move exactly like the last two times, this time in succession.
The feeling his movements cause is indescribable. My breath is taken away, my eyes squeeze shut and I can't contain my moans. Suddenly, Noa stops moving. My eyes open and I almost want to beg Noa to continue. He looks at me with a smile, his hair all messed up thanks to my hands.

I want to ask him why he stopped but he beats me to it. 'You're not answering my question'. I look at him as if he's lost his mind. Is he serious? He brings his lips to a few millimetres from mine. 'Just kidding, I just want to look at you, keep them open', a short kiss follows. His hips start moving again. He seems to have mastered the movement I like so much, right away he hits the right spot.

A moan leaves my lips, soon followed by another. His hands slide along my body to my breasts. He puts his hand around the right one and squeezes it gently. His lips finding my neck make the feeling in my lower abdomen intensify. My legs start to get restless and my hips begin to move with Noa of their own accord. I feel that Noa's kisses on my neck are no longer going smoothly either, every time he places a kiss he stops and breathes hard against my skin.

His movements become faster and harder, he starts to lose his self-control. It was noticeable that he was softer on me, but he seems to have forgotten that. As soon as I hear a sound from Noa's mouth too, I know he has come closer. With every movement, the feeling in my lower abdomen begins to intensify. I had not expected my first time to be pleasant, let alone to come.

The room fills with our moans. Noa's movements become more irregular, he is very close. 'Fuck you are getting tighter'. I don't know why but those words cause such a tingling in my lower abdomen that it makes me groan. My fingers are totally entwined in Noa's black hair, imperceptibly I squeeze it harder and harder. As soon as he hits me hard a few times on that one spot, I'm almost pulled over. 'I-c-can'. The words barely get out of my mouth because of my moaning.

'Me too'. That one hard move is enough to pull me over the line, to make me come. My back curls, my hands pull hard on Noa's hair and my body seems to float. A louder moan leaves my lips and is soon followed by Noa's. He moves a last few times before looking into my eyes, they look tired but satisfied. Smiling, he presses a kiss to my lips; smiling, I kiss him back.

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