Chapter 36

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The life of Rafiki ends with Yin in her body. My first instinct immediately told me to remove Yin from her body, only then I realized that that is not an option. Just as well as we can't live without Yang, we also can't without Yin. Yin will have to be driven out of Rafiki's body without destroying him or her. The danger in expelling such an evil spirit is that he will always commit to a new host. The miracle that the nymphs have ever been able to trap the two spirits in the two fish is unprecedented. Especially now that Yin is getting stronger, that is no longer an option. You will have to weaken him before you can do anything.

Now you will wonder why you are only hearing this now. You would think that if we had done this much earlier that Rafiki would be much easier to help, nothing could be further from the truth. Not only will Rafiki be destroyed by Yin, it is a part of her. If you exorcise Yin when Rafiki is under eighteen, you destroy her. Her own powers must have fully developed before she can handle such a spell. That's why I let you deliver this book just before Rafiki turns eighteen. The bodyguards have been given a clear assignment, don't blame them.

Of course it is true that over the years Yin will become stronger than he was when I wrote this. The moment you read this Rafiki is dying, faster than you think. Prepare yourself for a Rafiki that will rapidly change into the darkest version of itself. A normal exorcism we know will not be enough, far from it. No spell will be strong enough to separate the two souls, her soul will have to exorcise him. In this life she will not succeed, but how? That question occupied me for up to a week before I wrote this.

The separation of the magic and human world has never been taken away from me with gratitude, especially not by you. We both know why I made that choice and now it is going to save Rafiki's life. Listen carefully Celeste because what I am about to tell you the answer to your quest:

You will have to drive Yin out of Rafiki's body without killing him or her. The exorcism as we know it will not be enough. Yin is bound to the soul of Rafiki and can only be separated if Rafiki defeats him herself. Yin feeds on the power of Rafiki and is therefore unbeatable to her in this life. You will have to make Rafiki magically free to let her fight. Taking away someone's magic in our world is the toughest crime you can commit and you will destroy our only chance of balance.

I've been thinking long and hard about whether this is possible, yes it is. Thanks to the failed attempts on the Ravens in the past, I know a way. Because people and the magic world are separated from eachother the lifelines stop at the separation. They go on in such small sizes that magic does not exist or can be practiced there. The possibility to bring Rafiki through the dividing wall was shot through my head but the longer I thought about it, the worse the idea became. I can't assure you that you will ever be able to bring Rafiki back through that wall, especially not with her magic.

Her magic lies in her life lines and not in her soul. Yin lies in her soul and not in her body. So you will have to separate her body from her soul, to give her soul the chance to fight Yin and let her body heal. With magic in our ground, even though you would separate her soul and body is not a possibility, it has to be a place where magic plays no role. You will have to separate her soul and body, place her soul in the human world until Yin has disappeared from her soul. By giving her space without she can unconsciously weaken and fight him, there will be space to catch him and lock him up. She will have to die in the human world to complete the separation.

You will have to keep Rafiki's soul connected to our world during the placement to make sure that after her death you can pull her back. In the beginning of my story, I told you that every being is connected to three of our lines. You will have to keep her soul connected to those lines so as not to lose her. The sources of that connection must have a strong connection with those lines and I have found a solution for that as well. With Chea as the purest form of Yang she is line one: Light. With Nuri as previous host and closest connection to Yin she is line two: Blood. Finally we have the Windline to which Rafiki is connected, who can fulfill that better than you.

With Rafiki connected to your lifelines you will keep her connected to her origin, you will be able to pull her back. In order to be able to separate her body and soul you will have to keep her body in custody. Her heart has to keep beating in order for the body to recover. The damage Yin has made in her body also leaves its magic behind, this has to come out. Connect this to someone you don't love very much, this can be lethal. As it were you let the one who connects you to her heart suck up the damage, this is a heavy burden. I can't promise you that when Rafiki returns this person will survive this.

Rafiki's soul needs to be reborn in the human world. She will know deep valleys and engage in battles that are hard. Almost all heavy burdens for a human being will pass by. Because of the dividing wall between our worlds her memory will be erased at the rebirth, there is a chance that with the connection of the life lines her memory will slowly return.

After having lived a human life Rafiki will die, her soul will leave the body. That is the moment that the connection you have created between her body, the lifelines and her soul draws her back to the body here. If all goes well, her soul will be returned to her original body and she will wake up as if nothing ever happened. Yin can release you from Rafiki at that moment and lock you up in a prepared prison.

This is the answer to your quest, a long and extensive one. I have thought long and hard about all the information you read above. I looked at every other way and always came up with this one. Unfortunately I can't answer your questions now, Noa will be able to help you on your way, make use of that gratefully. The young one is smart, cunning but has a good heart.

I now give you a burden on your shoulders of which I am aware, one of which I think you can handle.

Celeste you are a beautiful woman, no one else I know who is as strong as you. I grant you all the happiness in the world. Take the chances you get to find and keep that happiness. Stay the stubborn woman I know well.

Give my regards to the others.

I see you Celeste,

Greetings Chanel.

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