Chapter 7

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of emotions play through my head, as if I've been thrown onto a highway. This revelation causes two new conclusions in my head. My mother is one of the greatest killers in the world and the reason that I won't grow old. I will turn into the monster that created me.

The monster inside me I'm trying to control in every way I can. From the deepest point in my constitution, the anger comes to the surface. The anger that controls my life and will only get worse with time. My eyes stare at the books in the closets. Without seeing anything I look at the books full of history and knowledge.

Celeste turning a page brings me out of my deep trans. Quietly clinging in my eyes to the woman dressed in black. Her eyes are focused on the letters in the book. It seems at first glance as if she doesn't realize what she has just told me. However, no one realizes anymore what words mean to Celeste.

My admiration in the woman turns to an intense rage. Through my lifelines I feel the black magic taking over my body. Through my simple thoughts of Celeste I lose the control I thought I had. 'Why'. I push the letters between my teeth, almost spitting them out. Full of horror and anger the letters leave my lips.

Celeste's eyes glide from the paper to me, totally calm they radiate. I bake my fists and bury my nails in my palms. 'Why what?', Celeste's question is restrained and without any impression. My eyes are glowing, I can feel it in the warmth they produce. The dark blue has given way to the dreaded black.

'Why are you telling me this?' With the power I possess, I try to keep control. Celeste sets himself straight and looks at me deeply. Because things are going to change around here. 'The older you get, the deeper this curse will devour you. You are incapable of becoming queen'. Like a knife pierces my heart.

I lose the control is in a split second. I pull out a book and throw it at a speed of over 150 kilometers per hour towards Celeste. Completely in control she brakes him in the air and catches him as if I were throwing him to her sweetly. Her ease arouses my anger.

The next thing that happens passes me by like a haze. Books fly through space, closets fall like dice past each other and an intense sound that can be heard throughout the castle echoes through the corridors. The black curse has taken hold of me and let me totally destroy what I admire.

Minutes glide past me as if they were seconds. The thing that takes me out of my complete trans is an intense pain in my back. With a loud bang I am thrown against the wall. The hard stones against my back don't feel like a soft mattress. A pain and dizziness are now what floods my body.

I glide through the stone wall onto the floor and sit there like a collapsed heap, motionless and looking at the floor. At that moment I half realise what has just happened and what I have done. 'Listen Rafiki. This curse is something rare, something deadly. Not only is it lethal to others because of your hand, but it's just as lethal to you' Slowly I let my head slide upwards.

'You have half unaware of the damage you can do when you will no longer be part of this world'. Celeste utters these words. She is standing in a room where behind her it looks like an outright mess. Bookcases are lying on top of each other, the floor is littered with books and a few leaves are flying through the air.

'Nuri's rules are not equally fitting, but the best that can be made of them at the moment is to stick to them'. This tone is not often heard from Celeste's mouth. A motherly tone with a mix of despair is audible. 'How you care'. The first words I pronounce are as if it is the most disgusting thing on this earth.

Celeste kneels to death and looks deeply at me. 'You have half no idea what you're worth to me' This is not a loving tone, rather mocking. She puts herself back on her black heels and then looks past me. 'David takes her to her room'. The words don't leave Celeste's mouth, they leave my father's.

I slowly turn my head towards the door behind me. My mother, bodyguard in training, father, Chea and Elien are watching the scene in the doorway. Several facial expressions are drawn on their faces. From pity to horror, is visible.

The young bodyguard David takes a step forward, after a few seconds. I'm still sitting on the floor, just looking out for me. The young man walks forwards me in a fast step and stops in front of me. He raises a neat hand to help me up, I refuse his offer. In silence I straighten myself and let a last glance glide to Celeste.

'If you want to follow me'. I follow David through the door past the people I've known all my life. I don't give my mother a look worthy. I feel their eyes like pins in my back as I follow David through the corridors. Even in this night he is walking in neat trousers with a blue shirt, it is part of his normal outfit.

As soon as we turn the corner and we're out of sight I leave a deep sigh. 'It's a hard road'. The words leave David's mouth after which he plays me a little smile. I know this young man many times better than everyone around us knows. He pulls me into an hug.

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